[QUOTE="deebo_x"] EA has no clear incentive besides making games for three decades but Sony did with the ps1 and Microsoft with the xbox?
Yes thats the whole point of an investment to break even then start making a profit why else invest? The only other reason to invest and not necessarily make a profit is to control resources. Thats what software is to game consoles a resource. I don't think that EA is buying up all these software companies in order to make a quick profit, but to gain more control on the number things that drives consoles sales. EA doesn't need to make a profit on those software companies anytime soon, but controlling so much of it will help them enter the console business and make their console more attractive than any console out. By putting a console out this is how EA can see an immediate return on their software investments.
How does EA releasing a console make no sense, but Sony putting one out in 94 when Nintendo and Sega had one or Microsoft putting one out when Sony dominated the console market and Nintendo had been in the game since 85? EA has made games for 25 years and is the largest most profitable third party company in the world so if they released a console don't you think that it would probably be the most attractive console of them all? Sony and especially Microsoft rely on so much third party support and their biggest third party developer is EA.
Two of the 360's biggest games last year were Mass Effect and Bioshock. Mass Effect's properties are now owned by EA and if the T2 aquistion happens so would Bioshock's. I didn't even mention all the EA sports titles which could be exclusive or games Crysis, GTA franchise. How do you not see what I'm seeing. Games like these if they were to be made exclusive to an EA console it would severly decrease Sony's and Microsoft's console userbase.
With the games that EA publishes it definitely could carve a little niche into the console market. If EA were to come out with a console it would be a gradual process far as software goes. Some EA sports titles may become exclusive besides games like madden, but burnout could. Big titles like Mass Effect 4. Bioshock 4 , or Crysis 4 could be either exclusive or time exclusive. EA would still probably back the other three for awhile until its own console's user base increased and then cut them off completely.
Its all possible will it happen I don't know, but it is very possible.
No, an investment does not need to break even, because it's original cost does not depreciate or vanish. That's the difference. Just trust me on this one. It doesn't work the way you think it does.
As for the console, it should be quite simple: Nintendo started back when the industry was fundamentally different, and haven't dropped out of the hardware race because their combination of hardware + software has succeeded based on decades of work and strategy. You can't just up and make a new nintendo from scratch no matter how much money you throw at it. The industry is fundamentally different now.
Sony entered, again, when the industry was fundamentally different: Nintendo was inmensely strong, and Sony's expertise was taken from Ninty themselves (the PS1 was originally an attachment to the SNES). This, along with the questionable practices nintendo had in dealing with developers, made a market ripe for a new competition that would be cheap, powerful, and allow developers freedom. That was the PS1. It started a revolution which fundamentally changed the industry.
Microsoft saw Sony as a huge competitor in a market they had indirect interest on. The Xbox was created not only for the ripe profits (4 billion in the hole isn't profit), but as a check to the Playstation brand, which could, in the long term, begin to affect their other interests, including but not limited to living-room entertainment and videogames.
Now, why is it not worth it for EA? It's simple: They profit from software sales - no matter what console. While it's true that their own console could increase their per-game revenue by up to 30%, it would also lead to considerably higher costs and considerably more work, along with a huge sunk investment and tremendous risk. Doesn't sound like a very good proposition.
So the reason that companies buy up other companies is not to increase profits? Ok But I already gave you another reason for EA buying up smaller companies is not for short term profit, but to control the number one resource for gaming consoles. Its either one or the other are they trying to make profits or control resources, and if to conrtrol resources to what end? Why limit aquisitions to just software companies they don't seem to have any interest in any other kind of company outside of gaming.
You casually go over points why Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have entered the console market, but you show no definitive reasons. Sony the second biggest electronics company in the world they have their hands in both the music and movie industry. Why does it make sense for Sony to invest in gaming? They make much more profits on the disc medias, they had no previous experience in the gaming software or hardware. Microsoft are you serious? How can you even try to make sense about their involvement in the console business. They are a software company that has nothing to do with gaming. I would be surpriesed if their gaming division even makes up 5% of their companies profits not revenue which is nothing without profit. They didn't produce games, games just run on their operating system. Plus have absolutely no hardware experience in anything at least Sony's main business was hardware.
How is it inconceivable to think that the biggest third party developer in the world might think hmmm. I control so many big money making software properties why not enter the console race myself. EA unlike Sony or Microsoft have been in gaming development for over 25 years. They have experience in gaming hardware because that is what they produce their games on. Yes EA makes alot of money on just developing software, but so does Microsoft that didn't keep them from entering the race. Sony didn't have investment in any gaming aspect that didn't keep them from investing on a console.
You are right about EA makes alot of money on software, by putting out a console and making all their games exclusive they could lose alot of profits. If EA was to put out a console their games would gradually become exclusive. The big title franchises will probably remain multiplat, but could easily be timed exclusive. Imagine Madden, Live, Need For Speed games like that being 4-6 months exclusive on an EA console, I don't know about you but 6 months is to long for me to wait on Madden. If EA aquires T2 imagine GTA being 6 months time exclusive. GTA time exclusivety on the ps2 hurt xbox sales. Brand new IPS will probably be exclusive to their console, and as their console became successful then full on exclusivety on all their titles would follow.
That is probably how it would go if EA were to enter the console race, it would be a slow and crushing competition process.
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