Worst company in America? No, not even close.
Worst video game company? Close, but I would give that honor to Hammerpoint.
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Worst company in America? No, not even close.
Worst video game company? Close, but I would give that honor to Hammerpoint.
This makes me want to vote for them even more. Sounds like they are cognizant of all the bullshit they are doing and are just being snarky about it.
Lets all vote for Microsoft or EA
Way ahead of you.
@kittennose: It's more about gamers in this context rather than all. Here people are going to hijack this poll for the third year in a row and call EA the worst company in the US while their games go on and sell millions to mostly satisfied customers.
Wait, didn't McDonald's "win" last time?
No, it was EA.
Must have thought of a different article from earlier this year, because I thought McDonald's lead the pack in that, with EA being lower.
You do realize that this isn't real right?
It's a joke, mocking how dumb it is that EA was voted worst company in America
They had an amazingly bad 2013:
-Simcity disaster launch
-BF4 disaster launch
-C&C cancellation
-Fifa 14 could've been a lot better
-NFS wasn't bug free either. I doubt it is now
So I would definitely vote for them... if it wasn't for Titanfall. Damn, that game almost makes up for all of EAs mistakes. Almost.
You're fucking joking
As much as I hate EA and I do think they are in the top worst video game companies, making them the worst company in America in general is just silly. Even though I'm not American, I do know many American companies that do actual harm on people and other things then what EA does.
Instead of just trying to make EA the worst company the third time, just don't buy their games plain and simple. EA got that title twice and yet people still buy their garbage so ether way EA doesn't care at all as long as they get their money from you people.
and why would seaworld be in here, omg, if that wins ppl must not like fun i hope ea takes it for not supporting nintendo ,
You do realize that this isn't real right?
It's a joke, mocking how dumb it is that EA was voted worst company in America
I did not. D'oh.
They had an amazingly bad 2013:
-Simcity disaster launch
-BF4 disaster launch
-C&C cancellation
-Fifa 14 could've been a lot better
-NFS wasn't bug free either. I doubt it is now
So I would definitely vote for them... if it wasn't for Titanfall. Damn, that game almost makes up for all of EAs mistakes. Almost.
You're fucking joking
In what way ? EA is a pretty terrible gaming company for the reasons I listed. They just want to push a product out of the door as soon as possible, with little respect for their consumers.
Do you mean that there are way worse companies on the list ? Sure, I hardly looked at them to be honest. What many consider truly awful companies (like banks) I have very little knowdled of because I'm not American.
So is EA the worst company of America ? I have no right to say. Are they one of the worst gaming companies ? Sure as hell.
This is a gaming site after all, so you have to excuse me for looking at that 'worst company of america' from a gamer standpoint.
They had an amazingly bad 2013:
-Simcity disaster launch
-BF4 disaster launch
-C&C cancellation
-Fifa 14 could've been a lot better
-NFS wasn't bug free either. I doubt it is now
So I would definitely vote for them... if it wasn't for Titanfall. Damn, that game almost makes up for all of EAs mistakes. Almost.
You're fucking joking
In what way ? EA is a pretty terrible gaming company for the reasons I listed. They just want to push a product out of the door as soon as possible, with little respect for their consumers.
Do you mean that there are way worse companies on the list ? Sure, I hardly looked at them to be honest. What many consider truly awful companies (like banks) I have very little knowdled of because I'm not American.
So is EA the worst company of America ? I have no right to say. Are they one of the worst gaming companies ? Sure as hell.
This is a gaming site after all, so you have to excuse me for looking at that 'worst company of america' from a gamer standpoint.
EA is hardly the only company out there that has pushed a game out w/o it being fully finished.
They had an amazingly bad 2013:
-Simcity disaster launch
-BF4 disaster launch
-C&C cancellation
-Fifa 14 could've been a lot better
-NFS wasn't bug free either. I doubt it is now
So I would definitely vote for them... if it wasn't for Titanfall. Damn, that game almost makes up for all of EAs mistakes. Almost.
You're fucking joking
In what way ? EA is a pretty terrible gaming company for the reasons I listed. They just want to push a product out of the door as soon as possible, with little respect for their consumers.
Do you mean that there are way worse companies on the list ? Sure, I hardly looked at them to be honest. What many consider truly awful companies (like banks) I have very little knowdled of because I'm not American.
So is EA the worst company of America ? I have no right to say. Are they one of the worst gaming companies ? Sure as hell.
This is a gaming site after all, so you have to excuse me for looking at that 'worst company of america' from a gamer standpoint.
EA is hardly the only company out there that has pushed a game out w/o it being fully finished.
One game ? I listed several.
How many other companies released multiple games like BF4 or Simcity last year that didn't work on launch day for most people ?
Well they do suck....
Oh and in regard to that letter someone posted.....they treat their workers terribly....who says it's not about more than their failure at specific games? Maybe EA workers vote for EA....:o
EA is hardly the only company out there that has pushed a game out w/o it being fully finished.
True. EA also does a lot of cool stuff as well, particularly for the gay community. They also let fans remake an epic game and give it away for free.
However EA pulls this kind of stuff all the time. They are at the forefront of every effort to screw over the fans. They started the abysmal trend of online passes. They ruined Sim City just to shoehorn in DRM, and on top of that, and because of it, the game didn't even work for months, and even then it was wonky. Their flagship franchise, Battlefield, is always a mess. The crap they pulled with the Wii version of Fifa (I think it was Fifa) was just horrid. They quite litterally changed nothing about the game but numbers on the jersey and released the game for sixty bucks. Every other version was upgraded, but they didn't bother doing anything for the Wii U but a sixty dollar reskin. That is the kind of thing most game companies would give away for free, or at the most five dollar DLC.
And look at what they did to Dungeon Keeper.
I honestly think that target should be voted the worst company considering the amount of consumer data stolen and them not securing transactions not some video game company.
Edit: Ea though is the worst gaming company in the gaming industry but not the worst overall.
They had an amazingly bad 2013:
-Simcity disaster launch
-BF4 disaster launch
-C&C cancellation
-Fifa 14 could've been a lot better
-NFS wasn't bug free either. I doubt it is now
So I would definitely vote for them... if it wasn't for Titanfall. Damn, that game almost makes up for all of EAs mistakes. Almost.
You're fucking joking
In what way ? EA is a pretty terrible gaming company for the reasons I listed. They just want to push a product out of the door as soon as possible, with little respect for their consumers.
Do you mean that there are way worse companies on the list ? Sure, I hardly looked at them to be honest. What many consider truly awful companies (like banks) I have very little knowdled of because I'm not American.
So is EA the worst company of America ? I have no right to say. Are they one of the worst gaming companies ? Sure as hell.
This is a gaming site after all, so you have to excuse me for looking at that 'worst company of america' from a gamer standpoint.
EA is hardly the only company out there that has pushed a game out w/o it being fully finished.
One game ? I listed several.
How many other companies released multiple games like BF4 or Simcity last year that didn't work on launch day for most people ?
Remember Rome 2, yea that was pretty awful day 1, then there's the fiasco with Aliens Colonial Marines, DNF (I'll never buy a Gearbox game again). Then there's the BS Ubisoft and Activision seems to pull off with greed and buggy/downgraded games just as much as EA.
I blame cows.
Titanfall not on PS4? EA WORST COMPANY IN AMERICA!!!
Game wasn't even announced, or was not announced as an exclusive, when they were "winners" the two years before this.
You fail again.
The moment you see the bank you use in that list and start to wonder about different options.
Personally though, Verizon should win this.
Yes, you should definitely find a new bank.
As much as I hate EA.....this is bullshit
Oil and banks primarily save people.
They also kill people. I'm sure that is worse than making DLC.
Now you're talking crazy shit. DLC is more evil than a demon orgy on top of a pile of dead bodies.
There are far worse companies out there. If someone really thinks that EA is the worst company in America, they need to go outside and get in touch with reality.
Remember Rome 2, yea that was pretty awful day 1, then there's the fiasco with Aliens Colonial Marines, DNF (I'll never buy a Gearbox game again). Then there's the BS Ubisoft and Activision seems to pull off with greed and buggy/downgraded games just as much as EA.
yeah, I had Rome 2 on day one. The release should've been postponed a few days to optimize it more but at least the game worked. I could play the game, albeit on low settings. Not making an excuse for CA here, just comparing to EA releases.
I'm not saying other companies don't pull stunts like that. And agreed, Gearbox is pretty bad as well. But how many companies had so many faulty products in 2013 ? Simcity worked for no one on launch day. BF4 worked for barely anyone. NFS Rivals didn't work for a lot of people on launch day...
And @g0ddyX said they "suddenly" started hating EA! lol
Yeah the Nintendo fanboys suddenly started hating EA ever more so when they STOPPED making games for the Wii U.
Now its making headline news when it has not done so much, concidence? lol.
Everyone knows what EA is like and they still have published great games last gen and will continue to do so.
Like Mirrors Edge, Crysis, Dead Space, to many sports games and the recent Titanfall.
Try more kid.
And @g0ddyX said they "suddenly" started hating EA! lol
Yeah the Nintendo fanboys suddenly started hating EA ever more so when they STOPPED making games for the Wii U.
Now its making headline news when it has not done so much, concidence? lol.
Everyone knows what EA is like and they still have published great games last gen and will continue to do so.
Like Mirrors Edge, Crysis, Dead Space, to many sports games and the recent Titanfall.
Try more kid.
You think because they stopped making games for the Wii U is the reason of the headline news? Dude, you crack me up! You do know this is the 3rd time they are nominated? You know, before all this Wii U stuff. Obviously not only Nintendo fanboys hate EA.
Btw, I'm indiferent towards EA since I'm not interested in their games much, dislike pretty much all the milkage of their tired sports games that everyone keeps feeding on and don't know really much about the company itself. I don't give a shit if they support Wii U or not. The PS4 version of a game that interest me from them is the one I would get.
As Chaz said, they have awful practices.
Verizon deserves it this time around. They killed net neutrality!
Honestly AT&T and Sprint are just as worse. Phone companies are just full blown douchebags.
Are you dumb fucks kidding me? Worst company has to go to comcast, they're an monolopy that made a deal with tw, and they want to do data caps for the internet, and charge more
And @g0ddyX said they "suddenly" started hating EA! lol
Yeah the Nintendo fanboys suddenly started hating EA ever more so when they STOPPED making games for the Wii U.
Now its making headline news when it has not done so much, concidence? lol.
Everyone knows what EA is like and they still have published great games last gen and will continue to do so.
Like Mirrors Edge, Crysis, Dead Space, to many sports games and the recent Titanfall.
Try more kid.
You think because they stopped making games for the Wii U is the reason of the headline news? Dude, you crack me up! You do know this is the 3rd time they are nominated? You know, before all this Wii U stuff. Obviously not only Nintendo fanboys hate EA.
Btw, I'm indiferent towards EA since I'm not interested in their games much, dislike pretty much all the milkage of their tired sports games that everyone keeps feeding on and don't know really much about the company itself. I don't give a shit if they support Wii U or not. The PS4 version of a game that interest me from them is the one I would get.
As Chaz said, they have awful practices.
EA is well known more than ever on SW and forums as they made it official that they are not making games for Wii U.
So obviously Nintendo fanboys will be stirring up the hate bandwagon.
Does it look like I support EA policy? No! I enjoy the games.
You bought my name into this, I clarified it and now go and stick behind Charz like a good boy.
Yeah the Nintendo fanboys suddenly started hating EA ever more so when they STOPPED making games for the Wii U.
Now its making headline news when it has not done so much, concidence? lol.
Everyone knows what EA is like and they still have published great games last gen and will continue to do so.
Like Mirrors Edge, Crysis, Dead Space, to many sports games and the recent Titanfall.
Try more kid.
You think because they stopped making games for the Wii U is the reason of the headline news? Dude, you crack me up! You do know this is the 3rd time they are nominated? You know, before all this Wii U stuff. Obviously not only Nintendo fanboys hate EA.
Btw, I'm indiferent towards EA since I'm not interested in their games much, dislike pretty much all the milkage of their tired sports games that everyone keeps feeding on and don't know really much about the company itself. I don't give a shit if they support Wii U or not. The PS4 version of a game that interest me from them is the one I would get.
As Chaz said, they have awful practices.
EA is well known more than ever on SW and forums as they made it official that they are not making games for Wii U.
So obviously Nintendo fanboys will be stirring up the hate bandwagon.
Does it look like I support EA policy? No! I enjoy the games.
You bought my name into this, I clarified it and now go and stick behind Charz like a good boy.
He brought in your name because you said something related to this sometime ago. The fact that you believe that the EA hate is sudden because they aren't making d*** for Wii U is just...
Why is EA even nominated? They simply publish and make games. Worst publisher maybe but worst company? Wow. Don't underestimate nerd rage I guess. -___-
Also, DirecTV is considered a bad company? Didn't know.
Why is EA even nominated? They simply publish and make games. Worst publisher maybe but worst company? Wow. Don't underestimate nerd rage I guess. -___-
Also, DirecTV is considered a bad company? Didn't know.
probably because they've won the last two years
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