[QUOTE="grayfox_2k"][QUOTE="Areola54"]and 360 is going to stand still devs on PS3 catch up.
should have sent the letter to Sony asking why they made poor hardware that no one can program for. PS3 been out for 1 1/2 years. devs started work on it before that. anyone heard of those things called ps3 dev kits that were distributed in 2005.
dev kits of 360 have been distrubuted since early 2004, but no one can deny that the PS3 is hard to program for but we can't blame sony, cuz u know the scapegoat has already taken the blame and got kicked out *coughkenkutaragicough*
you lie. dev kits just came out before 2005 E3. sure if you call the PC the 360 dev kit, it's been out for years. thats cos MS was intelegent enough to leverage current dev experience when designing a game console.
i lie!! well that was uncalled for :cry: plus i'm only echoing what some posters on this thread have said, as i admit that i know nothing about this matter... all i care about is what the tech guy has stated, what makes me even more convinced is gamespot's coverage of the case (in their latest rumor control article)... as they have contacted ... ummm... someone else lol can't rememeber... go read the story lol
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