Assuming that the rumors are true, and NX is the the same ballpark as PS4/PSNeo/X1, 3rd parties need to just grow a pair and support the NX properly.
Yes, they got burned by the Wii U, but they also put zero effort into the year old ports they put on the platform, and then complained when people didn't buy them. Now sure, the Wii U wasn't as powerful as it could, and probably should have been, but it could have still at least have shared some of the games that launched on the 360 and PS3 that year, but they didn't even try to do that.
I'm not saying commit right away to a full partnership, but if they want their games to be successful on Nintendo platforms, which they must because they're always talking about wanting to support Nintendo, and it's literally just another avenue of profit for them, they need to put the same effort into the versions of their games that they put onto Nintendo platforms, as they do Sony and Microsoft's.
They can't keep using the tired old "Nintendo gamers only buy Nintendo games" line when 3rd parties rarely offer them games, and even rarer is it something worthy of their time and money.
Now sure, 3rd parties aren't solely to blame for this, Nintendo's hands are far from clean when it comes to this issue, but at this time their is only so much Nintendo can do. Their console is launching in less than a year, dev kits are going out to smaller developers like Mojang right now, so EA and other AAA developers and publishers must have had the kits for a bit by now. It's currently all on 3rd parties, they need to be the ones to take the next step.
Of course, if the NX is another under-powered, gimmick consoles like the Wii U was, that's more understandable, but the rumors out of Japan is that the system is good, easy to port to, and a quote taken from a Wallstreet Journal writer said he was shown an NX demo that could only run on PC's with “cutting-edge chipsets”. It's one thing to wait and see with another under- powered gimmick console, but if NX is really as good as this Wallstreet Journal writer claims, their should be no reason for them to avoid it, and it really sounds like they're shooting themselves in the foot and then complaining that they got shot.
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