How shady are their practices exactly, that they went to the top of that list?
Greedy policies?
* Online passes - So ?
A massive amount of people think online passes are horrible and incredibly greedy.
* Forcing users to use Origin - Again, so ? Valve forces users to use Steam, MS forces users to use XBL, and so on.
For PC games, it's unwarranted and anti-competitive. EA made Origin for the sole purpose of greed, even though there are plenty of DD services already in place.
* Destroying and shutting down incredible developers (Westwood, Origin Systems, Bullfrog, Pandemic, etc.) - It's buisness, not like their executives play some game in which they decide who to fire.
No, you don't understand. When EA purchased them they decided they "needed a new direction," which led to their new games becoming unsuccessful, and ultimately their dissolution. EA is reponsible for their untimely demises.
* Horrible DRM practices - I think you are thinking of UbiSoft
I'll give you one example: Spore.
* Forcing out competition to have a monopoly on sports titles - So ?
Anti-competitive practices are the mark of a horrible publisher. Video game companies should promote--not dissuade--competition.
* Horrible customer service - You are pulling this out of your ass, have you ever even contanced them ?
Many, many, many, many people have had lots of problems with EA's mediocre customer service.
* Rampant employee abuse - Look above.
I point you to the lawsuits brought to EA for withholding due pay for developers who were forced to work overtime.
* Manipulating media outlets - Look above.
In one instance, EA has been caught trying to manipulate Battlefield 3 review scores.
* Nickel-and-dime DLC - I agree, somewhat.
* Shutting down multiplayer servers for games after only a year - If no one plays the game, then duh.
Multiplayer servers are not that costly to maintain, especially if there's a small (but dedicated) fanbase still playing them. Again, an example of EA's incredible greed.
* Excessive, nonstop milkage of core IPs - Liiiiike ?
Need for Speed, The Sims, Battlefield, Madden, to name four.
* Publicly insulting other development teams - Proof ?
In one instance EA said "All we want to do is rot Activision from the core."
I could go on and on and on.
Even Activision says that EA is a horrible publisher.
Respone in quote, also, are you sure the results have nothing to do with a vocal minority being mad about ME3?
Oh look, an EA fanboy.
No...EA has been widely considered a terrible publisher for quite a long time now.
I could spend all day talking about all of the negative baggage EA has accumulated throughout its murderous reign, so I won't really go into it comprehensively, but I will mention a couple of things.
My responses are in bold.
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