I'm actually a huge fan of the GT series. I say actually, because I'm not at all surprised at the comments that I read in Edge magazines' preview of GT5 Prologue.
The core complaints were: 1) felt too similar to prequels 2) environments feel sterile and lifeless
I was really hoping it would be different this time around. I'm so sick of playing GT: a game where it really pays to just pile into the rear quarters of the computer / human competitors on corners and gain massive advantages. Also, quite often the quickest line is straight over a massive chicane or even worst, to scrape around the edge of a walled bend (better damage modelling should have been requisite this time around).
Some of the fastest people I've ever played on this 'simulator' have just been good at cheating and don't even have to know the correct way to drive a corner. Many of the videos on gametrailers seem to support this. I feel like criticism 1 is a big deal and extremely offputting for me. If its similar to GT4 well hell, I'm already bored of it!!
In terms of criticism 2, I find this unforgivable. Apparently the courses are more realistic than the forza games (tighter london circuits for example) but the lighting is artificial and designed to show off the bodywork of the cars. You don't really feel like you are driving in a real city apparently.
In summary, I am worried that GT5 is a massive exercise in cosmetics - while the cars look amazing, who cares if you feel like you have already driven them ten times over? If the environments are not that interesting and there is no atmosphere then whats the point really? I think I am just sick of rehashes.
Anyone else thinking the same? Are you too, sick of sequels?
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