[QUOTE="madvalocity5"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="Chutebox"][QUOTE="madvalocity5"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="Chutebox"]All EGM said was there were restrictions on what they could say, which could go either way.
I see damage control is in full swing. This, however is not news. It was revealed last week that Konami asked reviewers to not mention the lenghty install times in between each and every chapter...or to not mention the lenth of them, should they mention them.
In addition, they asked not to discuss the length of the cutscenes.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised by Cow hypocracy, though. Questionable industrial tactics are okay, so long as it benefits your system or are things that you deem unworthy. People have no problem with other game reviews discussing small technical issues or things people may notice...but MGS4 is the sacred Cow.
If you're going to take that attitude, why not simply rely on the Sony Defense Force for your reviews? You can trust they'll only talk about what's great about a game.
wait wait wait, installs between each and every chapter? where is this info coming from?
it's during the cut scenes so you won't notice.
You won't notice? The only way you "won't notice" is if they are 30-second installs.But guess what? I've never met the gigabyte that goes from optical disc to HDD in 30 seconds. I fully expect these installs to last 5-10 minutes. Maybe even more. And the notion that they'd try to suppress that information is more damaging that the information itself.
This was a dumb move by Konami. That's all. As other have said, you can go take a dump and come back and you're ready to roll on the next chapter. But because they decided they needed to try and hide the truth, it brings more questions into play and more concerns about the nature of some industry players towards the review community than there should have been.
And EGM refusing to abide by Konami rules and waiting to buy a copy off the shelf suggests they were concerned about having to compromise their values and commitment to US.
A reviewer should never be put in a position where (s)he feels they have to compromise what they believe or not say something they felt obligated to say because a reviewer told them so.
If we can't all be against that principally, we're not interested in the integrity of game reviewing and everyone who was pissed about Jeff G's termination is now a hypocrite.
i just dont remember the last time i saw a 30 second MGS cutscene.
id imagine, and this is only an assumption just like yours, that these installs would occur during cutscenes long enough to conceal them.
Maybe you misunderstood...maybe I missspoke. I mean this:
Cutscense - who knows how long they will be? Probably a 1-5 minutes on average. But who knows.
New Chapter installs - they will happen in between the end of each chapter. The game will install some number of gigs to your HDD.
Those HDD intalls will NOT happen fast enough "to conceal them". There will be a break in the action of several minutes while the game installs the data for the upcoming chapter.
We talked about all of this last week. People were like, "meh...I'd rather the game install it all one big time at the beginning, rather than it doing 5-10 minute installs 5 or 6 times."
others were okay with it. I'm not debating either. I'm debating the principle of a game developer/publisher telling reviewers specifically not to mention it at all.
THAT is the problem.
i understand, but im questioning EGM because they claim they cannot reveal details that other reviews already have.
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