someone found it on latest issue of EGM.
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Oh god so what if a soldier jumps over a wall and comes at you screaming bloody murder, whilst raining death down on your position. Looks exciting.tomarlyn
yeah and then you shoot him in the face with a shotgun. he might as well be a zombie with that intelligence. :lol:
Oh god so what if a soldier jumps over a wall and comes at you screaming bloody murder, whilst raining death down on your position. Looks exciting.tomarlyn
True, its alsokinda scary and shows they are fearless making them even more dangerous!
Justimagine if they all did that!:o
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"]Oh god so what if a soldier jumps over a wall and comes at you screaming bloody murder, whilst raining death down on your position. Looks exciting.sadikovic
True, its alsokinda scary and shows they are fearless making them even more dangerous!
Justimagine if they all did that!:o
That's a LOT of stupid Helghast then lol...
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"]Oh god so what if a soldier jumps over a wall and comes at you screaming bloody murder, whilst raining death down on your position. Looks exciting.sadikovic
True, its alsokinda scary and shows they are fearless making them even more dangerous!
Justimagine if they all did that!:o
They're like Klingons.
[QUOTE="sadikovic"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"]Oh god so what if a soldier jumps over a wall and comes at you screaming bloody murder, whilst raining death down on your position. Looks exciting.tomarlyn
True, its alsokinda scary and shows they are fearless making them even more dangerous!
Justimagine if they all did that!:o
They're like Klingons.
Or mute kamakazi's from Serious Sam!
If you think what you saw in those videos was indicative of the AI in the final game, you are dead wrong. If you heard what the devs were saying, they were speaking on the AI as if they have yet to implement it. Those soldiers were cannon fodder to show off the lighting,Graphics, and special effects in the game. All we have seen so far is Pre-Alpha demos of their rendering engine and lighting system. Textures have still not been implemented, nor has their streaming system for no load times. The game is at least 6 months off. I would say if they show it off in January, and the AI still looks the same, then you can safely assume the AI is a joke. Until it gets closer to release, it is quite silly to point out flaws in this PRE-ALPHA build.mazdero
It seems everyone's been showing pre alpha builds ever since Bungie has used the excuse, huh.
It's interesting how developers work. Bungie seemed to implement the graphics dead last, concentrating on AI and expanded gameplay more than anything.
Guerilla, on the other hand, seem to be graphics first, everything second.
If you think what you saw in those videos was indicative of the AI in the final game, you are dead wrong. If you heard what the devs were saying, they were speaking on the AI as if they have yet to implement it. Those soldiers were cannon fodder to show off the lighting,Graphics, and special effects in the game. All we have seen so far is Pre-Alpha demos of their rendering engine and lighting system. Textures have still not been implemented, nor has their streaming system for no load times. The game is at least 6 months off. I would say if they show it off in January, and the AI still looks the same, then you can safely assume the AI is a joke. Until it gets closer to release, it is quite silly to point out flaws in this PRE-ALPHA build.mazdero
I remember those killzone devs said before E3 2007," all editors have to shut up when you saw killzone2 video.":D
[QUOTE="mazdero"]If you think what you saw in those videos was indicative of the AI in the final game, you are dead wrong. If you heard what the devs were saying, they were speaking on the AI as if they have yet to implement it. Those soldiers were cannon fodder to show off the lighting,Graphics, and special effects in the game. All we have seen so far is Pre-Alpha demos of their rendering engine and lighting system. Textures have still not been implemented, nor has their streaming system for no load times. The game is at least 6 months off. I would say if they show it off in January, and the AI still looks the same, then you can safely assume the AI is a joke. Until it gets closer to release, it is quite silly to point out flaws in this PRE-ALPHA build.FrozenLiquid
It seems everyone's been showing pre alpha builds ever since Bungie has used the excuse, huh.
It's interesting how developers work. Bungie seemed to implement the graphics dead last, concentrating on AI and expanded gameplay more than anything.
Guerilla, on the other hand, seem to be graphics first, everything second.
:lol: i dont think the ps3 can take yet another lair. "it can only be done on the ps3" ROFLMFAO
[QUOTE="Jhung207"]Ps3s are for dumb people and that is why all of their games are retarded.CrazyCarter
:lol: ps3: made for retards by retards. ps3 games: once again made for retards by retards. there is even retards in the games. :lol:
im laughing so hard i might pass out.
Yea AI is a very important aspect in a game. If the system can't produce a good gameplay due to limit on the AI then graphics don't mean jack. Look at lair, it flopped because of horrible gameplay.
Im absolutely sick and tired of hearing the 'pre alpha' BS from everyone who mentions this game, its like ur all dtruck down with the stupidity gene and are abusing the priveledge with it.
This game has been in development for over 2 yrs so do u really believe its still only in a pre alpha state?? i mean come on how stupid are u guys, really, how stupid are u???
It makes me wanna bang my head against a brick wall in frustration with these stupid comments that keep bein recycled and used with this game:evil::evil:
I absolutely despair:roll:
[QUOTE="CrazyCarter"][QUOTE="Jhung207"]Ps3s are for dumb people and that is why all of their games are retarded.Jhung207
:lol: ps3: made for retards by retards. ps3 games: once again made for retards by retards. there is even retards in the games. :lol:
im laughing so hard i might pass out.
Yea AI is a very important aspect in a game. If the system can't produce a good gameplay due to limit on the AI then graphics don't mean jack. Look at lair, it flopped because of horrible gameplay.
true to dat. great thread. im still laughing by the way. we gotta bump this thread tommorrow so all the cows can see it. i really wanna know what they have to say.
[QUOTE="wiiwillwiiwill"]someone found it on latest issue of EGM.
I too thought the AI in killzone was a bit dumb but no dumber than the AI in GEOW on normal, and yes I beat GEOW
I don't think so I never once saw an enemy in KZ2 try to take cover they just stood there and got shot in the face, the AI on Gears even on normal was much better than thisThis was posted earlier...still it's a dumb comparison. KZ2 is prolly a year away from going gold, while Halo 3 is coming out later this month :|. I wonder if they even bothered giving KZ2 a reward it deserves...say like, best animations, lighting, or graphics.TREAL_Since
At a pre alpha stage. Where is the gameplay at pre alpha?
[QUOTE="deebo_x"][QUOTE="wiiwillwiiwill"]someone found it on latest issue of EGM.
I too thought the AI in killzone was a bit dumb but no dumber than the AI in GEOW on normal, and yes I beat GEOW
I don't think so I never once saw an enemy in KZ2 try to take cover they just stood there and got shot in the face, the AI on Gears even on normal was much better than thisI've seen vids of Helghast taking cover in KZ2. Let't try to fairly judge this all next year when the game is near gold. You know, the devs even said that the AI wasn't complete. I don't even think EGM took that into consideration.
This was posted earlier...still it's a dumb comparison. KZ2 is prolly a year away from going gold, while Halo 3 is coming out later this month :|. I wonder if they even bothered giving KZ2 a reward it deserves...say like, best animations, lighting, or graphics.TREAL_Since
or worst A.I.
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"]This was posted earlier...still it's a dumb comparison. KZ2 is prolly a year away from going gold, while Halo 3 is coming out later this month :|. I wonder if they even bothered giving KZ2 a reward it deserves...say like, best animations, lighting, or graphics.FrozenLiquid
At a pre alpha stage. Where is the gameplay at pre alpha?
Some may b using their imagination :) But seriously, animations are looking awesome in the game
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"]This was posted earlier...still it's a dumb comparison. KZ2 is prolly a year away from going gold, while Halo 3 is coming out later this month :|. I wonder if they even bothered giving KZ2 a reward it deserves...say like, best animations, lighting, or graphics.FrozenLiquid
At a pre alpha stage. Where is the gameplay at pre alpha?
It's there and obviously still in development until next year. We've only seen a small part of one level. Everyone who's actually played it has only good things about the gameplay so far. Try reading the Level Up blog, GameSpots preview, IGN's, or even GI if you can.
I've seen vids of Helghast taking cover in KZ2. Let't try to fairly judge this all next year when the game is near gold. You know, the devs even said that the AI wasn't complete. I don't even think EGM took that into consideration.TREAL_SinceI honestly think it was more I am already standing behind this wall so I will just stay there as oppsed to I am getting blasted I better move...or the had a routine where they were crouched down then would pop up to shoot but I did not see anything dynamic ...I do think there are just cannon fodder and the AI is not done yet but at this stage I would feel better if they were making advancements in gameplay rather than graphics
This was posted earlier...still it's a dumb comparison. KZ2 is prolly a year away from going gold, while Halo 3 is coming out later this month :|. I wonder if they even bothered giving KZ2 a reward it deserves...say like, best animations, lighting, or graphics.TREAL_SinceThere was no comparison, it was just EGM's write-up of E3.
So "It's Pre-alpha" is a valid excuse now cows?
What about this time last year the first Halo 3 screenshots came out and it was pre-alpha yet it got bashed to death.
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"]This was posted earlier...still it's a dumb comparison. KZ2 is prolly a year away from going gold, while Halo 3 is coming out later this month :|. I wonder if they even bothered giving KZ2 a reward it deserves...say like, best animations, lighting, or graphics.RobbieH1234There was no comparison, it was just EGM's write-up of E3.
Don't try to get technical bud :P. If you really know the Ziff Davis media employee's history and preferences for MS you would call this a comparison. You know, people said the same about FEAR, Crysis, and Resistance...thost games all turned out to have great AI (the latter having the lesser of course).
They are right killzone 2 AI sucks, so does the textures.VACASCULIADAS
If you watched the most previous GC vids, the devs said those are two of the biggest aspects far from finished.
Maybe something has to give on the PS3. You can have good graphics, but the AI or Gameplay suffers (Lair) :?
So "It's Pre-alpha" is a valid excuse now cows?
What about this time last year the first Halo 3 screenshots came out and it was pre-alpha yet it got bashed to death.
dude, they're cows. they'll say anything to tip the scale in their favor. who cares if its stupid, illogical, or will change that same day.
Maybe something has to give on the PS3. You can have good graphics, but the AI or Gameplay suffers (Lair) :?
"it can only be done on a ps3" :lol:
i dont think this is true, but so far it seems like it. if things don't change next year it will destroy any chances of me getting a ps3.
I'll say the same thing i said in the PS3 forum. The journalist (if you can call him that) that wrote that comparisonhas the dumbest AI... It's really smart to compare a game that has already gone gold and a game that is still in alpha stage.:roll: Not only that, but during the demo presentations of KZ2 one developer was careful enough to point out that the demo was being played in God-mode. Go watch the videos.
I'll say the same thing i said in the PS3 forum. The journalist (if you can call him that) that wrote that comparisonhas the dumbest AI... It's really smart to compare a game that has already gone gold and a game that is still in alpha stage.:roll: Not only that, but during the demo presentations of KZ2 one developer was careful enough to point out that the demo was being played in God-mode. Go watch the videos.
God mode does not, and I repeat, does not make the A.I stupid.
It's not a difficulty setting.
[QUOTE="lusitanogamer"]I'll say the same thing i said in the PS3 forum. The journalist (if you can call him that) that wrote that comparisonhas the dumbest AI... It's really smart to compare a game that has already gone gold and a game that is still in alpha stage.:roll: Not only that, but during the demo presentations of KZ2 one developer was careful enough to point out that the demo was being played in God-mode. Go watch the videos.
God mode does not, and I repeat, does not make the A.I stupid.
It's not a difficulty setting.
I was thinking the same thing so the player can't die...what does that have to do with AI? *shrugs*A post from the 1Up boards:Don't try to get technical bud :P. If you really know the Ziff Davis media employee's history and preferences for MS you would call this a comparison. You know, people said the same about FEAR, Crysis, and Resistance...thost games all turned out to have great AI (the latter having the lesser of course).
""The title of the article is called "Best (and worst) In Show," and the intro says, "Check out which titles featured at this year's E3, the industry's annual gamingpalooza, provided the highest highs and the lowest lows." It's not like they just attacked Killzone 2, they also weren't optimistic about Katamari, Assassin's Creed, Too Human (Least Disappointing E3 No Show, ZOMG, RIGHT NEXT TO MOST DISAPOINTING NO SHOW FFXIII! Why they compare Too Human to FFXIII? END OF WORLD), Feeding Frenzy 2 (again, Worst Downloadable Game, next to Best Downloadable Game, GT5: Prologue). It's not like they said Killzone 2 should be more like Halo 3's A.I., they don't even mention the other game in their little blurbs (which are tiny btw, we're talking 2-3 sentences here), and anyways, both games were at the show, they're both fair game to be critiqued.
Why aren't you complaining about games that get best graphics, best of show (which EGM decided not to give out, oh wait, is that some kind of respect, or integrity that they are showing by not awarding a Best of Show award?) or any other best or worst award, when most of them aren't finished? It's E3, we know games aren't finished. Kill Zone 2 might turn out much better than we all think, the A.I. may be the new standard for which shooters are based, or it may suck. Likewise, Halo 3 may be terrible too. The article itself explicitly states "Also, remember that these are unfinished products - when it's finally time for you to try 'em out, some games may end up being better...or worse." And they didn't even say they dislike the game as in the opinionated guide at the end of the article, Killzone 2 is under the "Good" category, and the Worst A.I. blurb even says the game is "looking so, so good.""
[QUOTE="mazdero"]If you think what you saw in those videos was indicative of the AI in the final game, you are dead wrong. If you heard what the devs were saying, they were speaking on the AI as if they have yet to implement it. Those soldiers were cannon fodder to show off the lighting,Graphics, and special effects in the game. All we have seen so far is Pre-Alpha demos of their rendering engine and lighting system. Textures have still not been implemented, nor has their streaming system for no load times. The game is at least 6 months off. I would say if they show it off in January, and the AI still looks the same, then you can safely assume the AI is a joke. Until it gets closer to release, it is quite silly to point out flaws in this PRE-ALPHA build.FrozenLiquid
It seems everyone's been showing pre alpha builds ever since Bungie has used the excuse, huh.
It's interesting how developers work. Bungie seemed to implement the graphics dead last, concentrating on AI and expanded gameplay more than anything.
Guerilla, on the other hand, seem to be graphics first, everything second.
Different strokes for different folks. Bungie does things one way, Guerilla does it another way, and yet some other dev may do it different from those two.
I can only go by what the dev said, and they say its pre alpha. since we really can't prove if they are telling the truth or not right now, I give them the benefit of the doubt.
I'm still not sold on this game. While everything on this game is still up for debate, the one thing that is not is what has me concerned. The weapons. The dev said the weapons will be pretty much the same crap from KZ1. KZ1 weapons were boring and generic. Hopefully they add some variety.
[QUOTE="lusitanogamer"]I'll say the same thing i said in the PS3 forum. The journalist (if you can call him that) that wrote that comparisonhas the dumbest AI... It's really smart to compare a game that has already gone gold and a game that is still in alpha stage.:roll: Not only that, but during the demo presentations of KZ2 one developer was careful enough to point out that the demo was being played in God-mode. Go watch the videos.
God mode does not, and I repeat, does not make the A.I stupid.
It's not a difficulty setting.
Well, if you noticed when the player's screen turned black and white like the omen in Gears of War, this was a way to tell that you needed to take cover. But it is pre-alpha and I heard some positive things about the A.I. from other parts of the media.
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