Ok xbox 360 has 512MB of total Ram including system and video ram.To get bioshock running on a PC with xbox 360 level of performance you need atleast 1256MB total Ram.You need 1GB system ram to max out the game in DX9 and 512Mb video ram for maximum settings.But 256MB VRAM and a good GPU will give you 360 level of performance.
Now guess what crysis only requires 1GB system ram to be maxed out in DX9.And some of the better 256MB cards can rune the game fine.It must be said though that IMO the ps3 and 360 GPU will be the limiting factor in crysis and not the processor or Ram.But since DX9 cards can run the game,then it can be done on the ps3 and 360.I dare anyone to prove me wrong and clearly crytek devs are lying about ram limitations or whatever.They should get an advice from 2K or something.This is the reason why i never take any devs word seriously.
It bothered me for some time that how come the 360 and ps3 have only 512MB of total Ram completely bottlenecking the systems.Well i guess the engineers at sony and MS knew more than me.
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