[QUOTE="1nverted"]The Wii probably has the most mature install base than any of the 3 consoles. My parents bought a Wii for gods sake and they can't get enough of it.Nintendo_Ownes7My Grandparents have a Wii and the last console they bought was a Genesis, and the last console they owned was an SNES it was actually my Cousins but they gave it to my Granparents and now the SNES is Broken.
I don't doubt that the Wii could potentially have one of the more mature install bases, my only issue with this is that it wouldn't necessarily translate to more mature and/or hardcore games being made for the system. The issue with the Wii isn't that it's simply filled with Barbie and Nickelodeon games (although there are plenty); the issue is that the majority of the games on the system appeal to the casual side of Nintendo's crowd, which would usually include parents and grandparents, among others. I'm not saying your grandparents don't play Zelda and Metroid and the like, but a lot of adults are buying the system as a party console, and thus are generally only supporting the more casual games. I've got no problem with casual games in theory, but when you have a company like Capcom deciding to turn Umbrella Chronicles into a rail-shooter (instead of the planned RE:4-like game), you're going to be alienating, or at least disappointing some hardcore fans.
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