There is not one single person in here that will work for free. People should get paid for their work. That's the way it's always been, and it won't change.
Sure, PSN is free, but they chose to charge devs instead. Which is fine. MS chose to charge $50 a year for Live, and that's fine., Live is the better service, and I have no problem paying MS for their hard work.
It cost money to run a service like Live. Some companies try to make money off of it in vaious ways. Be it ads, charging for clothing, and furniture, etc. The point is, the money has to come from somewhere.
I don't understand why cows believe that everything should be handed to them. Be thankful when you find something that's free, but you shouldn't expect it. All of these threads are just making the cows look cheap. IF you don't like, don't like it. That's your choice. But don't bash others that do. It's a very simple concept. I don't see why most people can't comprehend it.
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