OMG if I hear one more sheep or lemming say "bu but bu some guy over at the EGMz said that one point would be taken off for this and that" BULL CRAP, Stop being in denial. I dont care what guy said what, the bottom line is EGM Scored Warhawk 8.5,7.0 and 8.5. They announced Warhawk's price almost a month ago so trust me.. EGM KNEW EXACTLY what the price was going to be, So enough with this "But but egm didnt know the price was going to be over $30.00" the bottom line is its OFFICIAL. THe score for Warhawk at EGM is 8.5,7.0, 8.5. I dont want to hear this "but the guy said it would drop by one score" I mean seroiusly people, warhawk is going to be a solid game, why cant you just be happy for the cows and move on with your life for God sakes.
You can sit there and speculate all you want on what some guy over at EGM said but the bottom line is EGM gave warhawk an average score of 8.0 which On Gamespot a 8.0 equals a "Great" game according to Gamespot's rating system. So PS3 owners are getting a "Great" game this week, so stop with the denial and live with it. I dont care what anyone says.. The EGM Scores are official.. 8.5,7.0,8.5 You didnt see cows making excuses when Bioshock came with its awesome scores, so why should you
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