@finalstar2007: That's a great deal. Of course, by cow logic, that means that Sony is desperate...
Yeah making a deal when you are far and ahead in the lead is the same as making a rotten food deal when you are losing badly.
@finalstar2007: That's a great deal. Of course, by cow logic, that means that Sony is desperate...
Shhhhh don't let El Tormented see that.
lol poor soul man the PS4 as it is was killing the xbox one even while been $50 more..lol
decent deal at best. I mean they did PS4 with GTA5 and TLOU for 400 bundle already. X1 had had halo MCC + free game and console for 349.00. How is this deal epic? Probably not even the top 5 bundles for this gen
That was 1 day only on Black friday.
Damn, MS has Sony running scared now. I guess they're afraid that their only profitable department will lose
You need to try harder.
well according to cows creating bundles is a clear sign of desperation
It is when your badly been outsold and your selling price is up to $170 less than 1 year before with 2 free games + a $50 dollar gift card.
true, but sony as a whole is more desperate for money then MS, so it could be taken as them being desperate and not wanting to give up a lead in the 1 division that is doing well outside of selling insurance in japan.
Either way the whole "1 company is desperate" is about the dumbest comment ever. Right there with "lazy devs" the reality is the people making these comments are really the dumb ones.
NO only a blind biased lemming would think that sony lead will be taken away..lol
NO MS was desperate $330 xbox one when 7 months before it was $500,and we free games when 7 month before it was probably non outside a deal,and on top of that one of the game is a hot new release + a damn $50 dollar gift card man that is some serious desperation.
Amazon making a $20 price drop on a bundle is nothing even less there the PS4 has been smoking the xbox one on amazon for some time now,the xbox one use to be close now is not even on the top 40.
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