In Mac gaming news, TeamXBox notes that vice president of Epic Games, Mark Rein, revealed that both Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3 are both coming to the Mac. 'We're an independent company and we make engine technology. Don't forget, we're also doing Macintosh.' So the show's host, Geoff Keighley, asked: 'Gears of War is coming to the Mac?' 'Yes, Gears is coming to the Mac and so is UT,' said Rein. One big announcement at WWDC was that EA was once again developing games for the Mac. EA, however, is using TransGaming's Cider to port their games to the Mac. As a result, their games will be Intel-only. There has been no official word on the method behind Epic Games' Mac ports, but there have been comments that the Unreal Engine 3 was being officially ported to the Mac, suggesting PowerPC support would be possible.Update: Ryan Gordon (programmer) states that neither Gears of War or Unreal Tournament 3 uses TransGaming's Cider technology. LinkMac WINS!
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