Gears of War is a graphical masterpiece...I'll give them that. But, as a company, Epic has no sense of loyalty to fans or any type of ethics, whatsoever. In fact, I would go on to say that Mark Rein and Cliffy B. are too busy patting themselves on the back for making loads of cash with the Gears of War series to give a damn what anyone has to say about the ridiculously broken multiplayer in Gears of War 2.
If you venture over to the official Epic forums, you will see that the entire site is nothing but complaint thread after complaint thread. Countless people, such as myself, who are fed up with the glitches, broken netcode, etc, that run rampant in the game. It's not like this is new to them. Gears of War is HOW old? The engine is still the same, yet Host Advantage still exists even in the sequel (still no CSHD) and the game is made even worse than Gears of War 1 (which, even with the lag, was a blast to play) due to mismanaged weapons, ridiculous multiplayer modes that don't work (Wingman is a joke) and onscreen tips that don't even follow the game play (i.e. "Getting shot while revving the chainsaw makes you lower it" Yeah...only if the HOST shoots you!).
It's pretty common knowledge that Epic rushed Gears of War 2 out for the holiday season. They finished the single player, and just slapped on the multiplayer and released it. that's why there was no public beta...because if there was, it would have taken ONE SINGLE ONLINE GAME to figure out this game is horribly broken.
They actually released a patch already to help speed up the matchmaking (sometimes would take 10 minutes to find a match). Now you can find a match within seconds or a few minutes. But it causes people to randomly disconnect right when the game starts so most games are now 5v4 or 4v3. Also, there is no region filter so you have people in the UK playing on hosts in the US and just makes the experience laggy for everyone.'s bad enough that Epic releases a BETA and expects people to spend their hard earned money on it. But do they address the issues? Sorta...Mark Rein actually posted a few times on the boards to "address" the public, but he says absolutely nothing of purpose or solidity. He is nothing but a politician, making vague blanket statements like "we are working on the issues..." but never once mentions any specific issue they are working on. Is it matchmaking? Is it the lag? Is it the broken spawn points that make one team always spawn next to the frag grenades and the other team ink EVERY SINGLE ROUND? Is it the broken Wingman mode where you have to cross your fingers and hope you get spawned next to a power weapon (i.e. Mansion where one lucky teams spawns right on top of the boomshot!). here is Mark Rein, acting like he is doing everyone a favor by speaking to the little people. And what does he do? Start banning people for saying anything even remotely negative about the game. This started because IGN wrote an article about the numerous complaints about GOW2 mp and actually printed a link back to a thread on the forums. Oh boy that's when the banhammer started. I got hit when I agreed with someone who posted a comment stating that he doubted Mark Rein actually played the game more than once online otherwise he'd never have released. I just said I agreed and couldn't understand how Epic could have released the game knowing how broken it was. I was banned with a message that said "I only played this game once on the internet". I exchanged emails with a few of the guys on the forum and found out that the guy who I agreed with was banned with the exact same message. Obviously, the person who did the banning was Mark Rein since the comment was directed at him.
Just shows you the audacity with which Epic works. They release a broken game, take your money, then when you complain about it, they try to silence you. But I will not be silenced. I am making sure everyone I know realizes what kind of company Epic is and if I can get just ONE person to not buy this game (which I actually already have) then I've done my duty as a member of the gaming community.
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