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[QUOTE="Stats_"]First of all: Why would anyone laugh at me while I play videogames? I can almost guarantee nobody's ever laughed at me while I play videogames. There's no reason to, I own a PS3. I don't have to do any ridiculous movements with my arms and body to play. All I do is sit back and relax on the couch in front of the 55" big screen. However that's not the case with anyone that plays Natal. Go watch some of the live gameplay footage videos. It looks so stupid. People look like flailing monkeys when they're playing it. This demonstration in particular I found hilarious. you are aware sony are working on a motion control device too. which im sure will be supported in many of sonys future releasesSimple pleasures ...
Although i'm sure many people laugh at you whilst you play games.
...Simple people
[QUOTE="Messiahbolical-"]ROFL I seriously hope this is true. That would be hilarious. If it IS true, every single Gears fan just got *****slapped in the face. I'll be busting my gut laughing when I see lemmings: 1) Having to pay probably $100 or more to buy Natal in order to play the next Gears game. 2) Are standing around the TV pointing their fingers at the screen, running in place, and acting like they're reloading their invisible gun... that would be priceless. :lol:jakehouston88
Indeed it would be. :)
Your sig is the whole reason you post, uh? Anyway. I doubt it will be anything serious.Yea, right...Remember when you were playing that one Natal game? No? Oh yeah, you never played Natal...You opinion is invalid.Natal sucks....i wont be buying gears 3 if it focuses on natal too much
Most people forgeting that if "games use Nalal" does not mean it fully use it in controls. Same as SixAxis on most multiplats and even exclusives, you can use it or use pad button insted.
Awesome, a game where you can pretend to chainsaw your cat! :lol:
But seriously, please think this through very carefully Epic. If you ruin GeoW3 I'll lose my mind.
How sick would it be if it became like Virtual Reality? That would be so tight I could make Markus Fenix do carthweels while shooting that would be badass.
Too bad that will never happen. I expect if this is true then it will be of the same importance of Sixaxis in KZ2.
And here I thought the gears series couldn't get any worse :lol:Wii_Gamer_277
Gears of War and Gears of War 2 are awesome. I doubt you've beaten any or givn them any fair chance. :|
[QUOTE="Wii_Gamer_277"]And here I thought the gears series couldn't get any worse :lol:bobcheeseball
Gears of War and Gears of War 2 are awesome. I doubt you've beaten any or givn them any fair chance. :|
Hmmm why dont you check my gamertag (Unt0uc4bl3) befor making such ridiculous claims :roll:Flop confirmed sixaxis all over again. Note to Sony and MS just leave motion control alone enough is enough.
I feel like this is gonna be six axis all over again
I mean what the hell do I do if i don't want natal support in my games?
I feel like this is gonna be six axis all over again
I mean what the hell do I do if i don't want natal support in my games?
I'm sure it will either be optional, or not made use of much at all. Possibly both.
I feel like this is gonna be six axis all over again
I mean what the hell do I do if i don't want natal support in my games?
I'm sure it will either be optional, or not made use of much at all. Possibly both.
Well the reason I ask is because look at games like killzone 2, lair and Heavenly Sword.[QUOTE="bobcheeseball"]
How sick would it be if it became like Virtual Reality? That would be so tight I could make Markus Fenix do carthweels while shooting that would be badass.
What about Wheelchair gamers? I suppose Marcus could have a Wheelchair...
They'll announce a peripheral for wheelchair gamers to compensate for that.
[QUOTE="Messiahbolical-"][QUOTE="Stats_"]First of all: Why would anyone laugh at me while I play videogames? I can almost guarantee nobody's ever laughed at me while I play videogames. There's no reason to, I own a PS3. I don't have to do any ridiculous movements with my arms and body to play. All I do is sit back and relax on the couch in front of the 55" big screen. However that's not the case with anyone that plays Natal. Go watch some of the live gameplay footage videos. It looks so stupid. People look like flailing monkeys when they're playing it. This demonstration in particular I found hilarious. you are aware sony are working on a motion control device too. which im sure will be supported in many of sonys future releases I'm not too thrilled about it either. There's no way in hell I'm buying it for one, but AT LEAST it has buttons. Not only that, but it looks like you can at least sit back do simple wrist movements on most games... unlike Natal where you have to stand up and jump around or run in place for most games. I wont defend it that much though, because when it comes down to it I still think motion controls are the death of gaming.Simple pleasures ...
Although i'm sure many people laugh at you whilst you play games.
...Simple people
what id like to see is rainbow six vegas 2 functions. I.E taking a picture of my head but with the higher capabilities of the natal camera *over the xbox web cam* and skinning the head of a character online.
that would totally rule!!!!
No games had better require it is all. The Wii came with motion control. Unless the console launches with it it shouldn't be manditory in any game. I don't mind it being a feature but I for one won't be buying Natal or PS3's motion wand. I don't want 3 Wii's. Give me a standard controller.
good to know that the SW community is smarter and better developers than the guys at Epic, Konami, and whoever else is working on Natal. these guys are paid to do this for a living, if they say theyve found a use for it id like to actually see it before i say its impossible or claim the devs are just kissing MSs butt. like some of the more reasonable posters said you dont have to use Natal only. leaning or throwing something are just 2 simple examples. of course it could suck to high heaven but id like to see what the devs come up with before i just write it off.
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