I for one, don't give a crap about the Unreal franchise, I think Epic should go make another IP, I enjoyed Quake more than Unreal anyway.
Unreal 3 was such a bad game; it was DOA with the PC. Unreal Tournament 2k4 was an amazing twitch based competitive shooter. It will be interesting to see the requirements for Unreal Engine 4. I think I read somewhere the Samaritan Demo was running on 2 580GTX's but I always take that with a grain of salt. I believe Crysis was supposed to be running at 30 FPS on 2 7800GTXs in SLI. Even 2 8800s struggled with Crysis.
However, gamers are not quite spending the crazy amounts of GPU money they used to and mid-range cards seem to be where it's at and I think PC developers are taking advantage of that. Quite honestly, The difference in IQ from Crysis 2 on Ultra preset to Extreme is not very much yet the graphical demands are tremendous to push out that level of tessellation (and poorly implemented at that).
However with the Kepler and shrink to 28nm technology, I think the requirements for this engine will be quite high and not many high end systems of today will be maxing this out. All speculation of course.Dave_NBF
It was 3, they said they could get it down to 1 with optimization.
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