[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"][QUOTE="-wii60-"][QUOTE="cool_guy2000"][QUOTE="bigboogayo"] PS3 IS A GHETTO PC.
JM: Basically, the Cell's SPEs are "accelerator processors" that function in addition to the primary processors. [To take advantage of the SPEs], we look for tasks that don't require insane CPU power but could be done in the background, in parallel. There are some threads in our multi-threaded code that we can dedicate to a single SPE, and the process will run happily in background while the main CPUs are dealing with AI and game play. If you program the Cell CPU the correct way, it is like having all these simple things in parallel. That's the thing about regular PCs; computers are really dumb, but incredibly fast. PCs can perform one little logical thing like crazy [makes rapid, back-and-forth ping-pong motion], and so we need to find those little logic checks that we can kick out to the SPEs. Doing so frees up the primary CPUs from having to do those mindless, but necessary, tasks
cell is nothing special.
Uncharted > any 360 game, visually....and how long has the 360 been out for?
That's an opinion not a fact -Maddog- :roll:
Gamespy, Eurogamer and Ripten are all saying not only is it the best game on consoles graphically, but that it's not even possible on X360. Show me games on X360 that look anything like UT3, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, or GT: Prologue.
Ripten review: http://www.ripten.com/2007/12/01/uncharted-drakes-fortune-review/
"Uncharted has great textures. So what? Well Gears of War is lauded as a graphical show piece mainly due to both its artistic vision and its high resolution textures. Uncharted, however, trumps Gears of War."
"Uncharted also has the best graphics you've ever seen on consoles"
Eurogamer review: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=87533&page=2
"Talking of environments, it's hard to think of a single game that's ever included such lush and staggeringly detailed gaming environment. As much as Gears of War provided a stunning next-generation shooter setting, the moody greys and browns made it a harsh, dark, hostile, and monochromatic place to be. In Uncharted, it's not just superior to Gears in terms of out and out detail, but brings a feel-good factor with the sheer level of environmental variety on offer."
"Truly, Uncharted is the first game I've seen to date that makes me wonder if it could be done on the Xbox 360, and as a huge admirer of the software line-up on Microsoft's system, that's saying a lot."
Gamespy: http://goty.gamespy.com/2007/ps3/10.html
"We can confidently say that after playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, it is a game that could only be done on the PlayStation 3. Between the amazing vistas that stretch out over the horizon, rich foliage, and the sheer amount of data that pushes the limits of Blu-ray's storage capacity, Naughty Dog's incredibly rich visual splendor is something to behold."
Resident evil 5 alan wake and project offset poop all over uncharted,and two of those games are not coming to ps3 :lol: no wonder why
How long until any of those games are released again? Also, is there any gameplay screens from any of those games yet? You hate on Uncharted 24/7, give it a rest won't you?
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