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[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"]I see your first statement doesn't account for a change in platforms?Danm_999
It's going to look better on the same platform too. Your creating irrelevant distinctions.
SO if UT3 came to wii with Unreal Engine should it look better than GeOW also? Nah your not gonna say that are you?Blinblingthing
Creating strawman arguments is not helping you here. You know my point, the 360 and PS3 are of comparable power; one would assume two extra years with the same engine and the same developer would yield better results.
No one was arguing Exclusivity.The real topic is PS3 outdoing what X360's GeOW did.
Which is a really pointless victory. If your looking to 2008 to beat what the 360 was doing in 2006 there is a problem. IMO something like Uncharted looks better in 2007 anyway.
[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"]I see your first statement doesn't account for a change in platforms?Danm_999
It's going to look better on the same platform too. Your creating irrelevant distinctions.
Yea, 360 and 360 aren't the Same Platform, Same with Wii. The Engine Won't run better on PS3 in 2k8 than it did on 360 in 2k6 automatically.
[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"]SO if UT3 came to wii with Unreal Engine should it look better than GeOW also? Nah your not gonna say that are you?Danm_999
Creating strawman arguments is not helping you here. You know my point, the 360 and PS3 are of comparable power; one would assume two extra years with the same engine and the same developer would yield better results.
yes it comparable power. but ps3 is more powerful. People here in SW love to say best Looking games exist on X360, Truth is that only because devs hadn't figured out Cell yet, Now they have, You'll see PS3 games looking best See COD4 etc
[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"][QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="Blinblingthing"]Since when was Exclusivity an issue to be discussed??
Since the point of the argument was that UT3 looked better than Gears. If UT3 is also on 360, aren't all things equal?
Mark Rein has Said way before this. UT3 runs better than GeOW did on 360, PS3 having more maps than 360 version, Mark Rein has been Praising the PS3 version of UT3 all this time
What make anyone think 360 is any better?
"Mark Rein said that they are shooting for a November release and did say that the PS3 version would have "most" of the content that would be found in its PC brother. He said that there would be a couple of maps that would be left out of the PS3 version simply because the system didn't have the resources to produce a smooth gameplay experience."
Cows never learn.
where is the evidence of 360 superiority???
PS3 has more maps than the 360 version bro.
Yawn once again consoles arguing over second place while PC stays high atop smiling down upon them.Cali3350
I Don't have a 1.5k dollar PC
[QUOTE="hurley_house"]i see no logicblue_hazy_basic
Here is where you made your first mistake.
Logic, the fanboy kryptonite.
funnies ? :S
anywho if anything 1 would expect that given that more devolpment time and familarity with the xbox 360 its going to look better or a definite match to the ps3 version
[QUOTE="Cali3350"]Yawn once again consoles arguing over second place while PC stays high atop smiling down upon them.Blinblingthing
I Don't have a 1.5k dollar PC
start saving;)This topic started off being about how UT3 was graphically superior to Gears of War. Where did all this talk of extra maps and mods come from?
I don't see many PS3 users making their own mods anyways. Anyone who wants a game for that purpose would be better off with the PC version.
[QUOTE="mingo123"]gears is an year old game if you didnt know and UT3 will be on xbox 360 as wellBlinblingthing
That Isn't the point. The point is PS3 has otdone X360.
And to the other Guy. GeOW outscored Halo 3
I don't understand how the 360 is outdone if it going to be on the 360 as well, so 360 owners have Gears and UT3, don't understand how that can be thought of as a negative thing.
[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"][QUOTE="mingo123"]gears is an year old game if you didnt know and UT3 will be on xbox 360 as wellLEGEND_C4A
That Isn't the point. The point is PS3 has otdone X360.
And to the other Guy. GeOW outscored Halo 3
I don't understand how the 360 is outdone if it going to be on the 360 as well, so 360 owners have Gears and UT3, don't understand how that can be thought of as a negative thing.
Cows don't really have a lot else. It's amazing howthey try to call itownage that a game that not only uses the same engine but alsocame out a fullyear after Gears looks better. To be honest if it didn'tlook better thenEpic would look retarded and the PS3 would be seen as a joke.
[QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="Blinblingthing"]I see your first statement doesn't account for a change in platforms?Blinblingthing
It's going to look better on the same platform too. Your creating irrelevant distinctions.
SO if UT3 came to wii with Unreal Engine should it look better than GeOW also? Nah your not gonna say that are you?Blinblingthing
Creating strawman arguments is not helping you here. You know my point, the 360 and PS3 are of comparable power; one would assume two extra years with the same engine and the same developer would yield better results.
No one was arguing Exclusivity.The real topic is PS3 outdoing what X360's GeOW did.
Which is a really pointless victory. If your looking to 2008 to beat what the 360 was doing in 2006 there is a problem. IMO something like Uncharted looks better in 2007 anyway.
[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"]I see your first statement doesn't account for a change in platforms?Danm_999
It's going to look better on the same platform too. Your creating irrelevant distinctions.
Yea, 360 and 360 aren't the Same Platform, Same with Wii. The Engine Won't run better on PS3 in 2k8 than it did on 360 in 2k6 automatically.
[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"]SO if UT3 came to wii with Unreal Engine should it look better than GeOW also? Nah your not gonna say that are you?Danm_999
Creating strawman arguments is not helping you here. You know my point, the 360 and PS3 are of comparable power; one would assume two extra years with the same engine and the same developer would yield better results.
yes it comparable power. but ps3 is more powerful. People here in SW love to say best Looking games exist on X360, Truth is that only because devs hadn't figured out Cell yet, Now they have, You'll see PS3 games looking best See COD4 etc
what exactly does that mean they haven't figured out the Cell yet? wouldn't that also mean that the Wii and 360 have some extra juice to figure out as well? how much stuff you think is hiding in that little chip anyway?
not to say we won't see even better games in the future but it goes for all 3 systems.
don't you guys get tired listening to people say, we only used 30% power or this and that, how can they tell how much they have used it they are still figuring things out and don't truly know the full potential in the first place.
man screw all this, give me games I can enjoy. thats all I want to know, I'm 100% happy playing games, period!
[QUOTE="LEGEND_C4A"][QUOTE="Blinblingthing"][QUOTE="mingo123"]gears is an year old game if you didnt know and UT3 will be on xbox 360 as wellcovhunter
That Isn't the point. The point is PS3 has otdone X360.
And to the other Guy. GeOW outscored Halo 3
I don't understand how the 360 is outdone if it going to be on the 360 as well, so 360 owners have Gears and UT3, don't understand how that can be thought of as a negative thing.
Cows don't really have a lot else. It's amazing howthey try to call itownage that a game that not only uses the same engine but alsocame out a fullyear after Gears looks better. To be honest if it didn'tlook better thenEpic would look retarded and the PS3 would be seen as a joke.
all i know is that every one in this forum, thinks too damn much, I've been saying the same thing practically in every thread. I don't care about poly this, poly that, shader this, shader that, just give me a game I want to play after a hard days work and I'm good.
to this day I rather play operation flashpoint over a lot of games out today, and thats because of the game play, that game is one of the ugliest games you will ever see, but where it counts it does a fantastic job, gameplay!
lmao, Im using this for a sig in another forum
Unreal 3, MGS 4, Assasin Creed, Gta4, Warhawk, Heavelysword, Racket and clank, finalfantasy13, finalfantasy versus 13, home, littlebigplanet, gt5, haze, killzone2, metalgearonline, uncharted: drake's fortune, devilmaycry4, residentevil 5 .. oh my .. ps3 games overloadedddd
Unreal 3 is much better than gears, graphically. despite using the same unreal ungine
says so Epic's vice president Mark Rein
"are going to be pleasantly surprised. It's a really high end experience that pushes the graphics bar up even higher than Gears of War. There's more polygons, there's more stuff going on, there's more explosions and there's more things happening, so we're just really pleased with the way the game runs on the PS3"
Ut3 has just owned the 360 highest scoring game ... gears.
yup. read that again.
Ut3 has just owned the 360 highest scoring game ... gears.
And then the Times released 360 version comes out and looks better then the PS3 version with more maps and better textures and AA turned on. So COME AGAIN
And when Gears 2 comes out and looks better than UT3 watch mark rein praise that lol. You know it's gonna happen. In case you dumb cows didn't notice Xbox360 will get the game too so ownage denied.
this is a joke thread right? gears of war came out last year and you're running around saying it got owned because a game that is coming out a full year afterwards will look better? the deveopers had a entire year after gears of war to improve on the unreal 3 of course the their next big game using that engine will look better then a last year's project :roll:
Unreal 3 is much better than gears, graphically. despite using the same unreal ungine
says so Epic's vice president Mark Rein
"are going to be pleasantly surprised. It's a really high end experience that pushes the graphics bar up even higher than Gears of War. There's more polygons, there's more stuff going on, there's more explosions and there's more things happening, so we're just really pleased with the way the game runs on the PS3"
Ut3 has just owned the 360 highest scoring game ... gears.
yup. read that again.
Ut3 has just owned the 360 highest scoring game ... gears.
Um, so?
Was this not expected? I figured it would be the better game graphically.
Thank God it is a multiplat, and the 360 version that follows shortly behind will be better.
The point is that lemmings said GeoW couldn't be done on PS3, now they are eating their words and are in major DC mode.trizzle_a
please tell me that avatar is not a picture of you. :x
the game ain't coming to the 360 unless u give me a damm link ... ...
Sorry Comrade :'(
[QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"]:| This is a joke topic, right?Zenkuso
Probably just woke up on the wrong side of common sense this morning ;)
We'll see what that 360 port looks like.
[QUOTE="trizzle_a"]The point is that lemmings said GeoW couldn't be done on PS3, now they are eating their words and are in major DC mode.WuTangGWhen did they say that:|
[QUOTE="weiliang_1988"]the game ain't coming to the 360 unless u give me a damm link ... ...
well its gonna be great on the ps3 ..
i don't see any "pc" mentioning in the article
Pwnt o.o
lol I don't even know why the TC bothers anymore.
[QUOTE="WuTangG"][QUOTE="trizzle_a"]The point is that lemmings said GeoW couldn't be done on PS3, now they are eating their words and are in major DC mode.BreakingPoint8When did they say that:|
lol this thread is a joke
since this game is coming out on 360, there's no reason to get all pissy, but the 360 people defensive and so do the PS3 people... so since thsi game is coming out on the 360 too, how would you compare it to GeOW? c'mon now don't get trademarked hardware involved, i don't need any product placement in a gaming thread
Yeah it was really ugly, but that was because it was capped at mediumI played the UT3 demo for the pc and its UGLY
the retail version better improve visually or else im not going to buy it.
I get almost 90 fps for ut3 on the pc while only about 50fps for g.e.o.w pc
its called B.S public relations
Defensive after an attack?lol this thread is a joke
since this game is coming out on 360, there's no reason to get all pissy, but the 360 people defensive and so do the PS3 people... so since thsi game is coming out on the 360 too, how would you compare it to GeOW? c'mon now don't get trademarked hardware involved, i don't need any product placement in a gaming thread
Offcourse, the only ownage in this thread is Cow self-ownage:lol:
[QUOTE="trizzle_a"]The point is that lemmings said GeoW couldn't be done on PS3, now they are eating their words and are in major DC mode.WuTangGWhen did they say that:|
they said that Mgs4 could be easly done on the 360 but that the Ps3 could never run anything nearly as good looking as gears!
Lol, fanboyism at its best.
Do you actually believe that a guy that works for Epic is going to say anything but praise about their new game? Sales are what they are aiming for, so of course they are going to say it surpasses their previous efforts. Jesus.
When did they say that:|[QUOTE="WuTangG"][QUOTE="trizzle_a"]The point is that lemmings said GeoW couldn't be done on PS3, now they are eating their words and are in major DC mode.AgentA-Mi6
they said that Mgs4 could be easly done on the 360 but that the Ps3 could never run anything nearly as good looking as gears!
And Hermits said 360 couldnt run FEAR because CoD 2 had lower res textures:|Unreal 3 is much better than gears, graphically. despite using the same unreal ungine
says so Epic's vice president Mark Rein
"are going to be pleasantly surprised. It's a really high end experience that pushes the graphics bar up even higher than Gears of War. There's more polygons, there's more stuff going on, there's more explosions and there's more things happening, so we're just really pleased with the way the game runs on the PS3"
Ut3 has just owned the 360 highest scoring game ... gears.
yup. read that again.
Ut3 has just owned the 360 highest scoring game ... gears.
you do remember it's coming to the 360 as well? and he didn't say there's a huge difference.
[QUOTE="mingo123"]gears is an year old game if you didnt know and UT3 will be on xbox 360 as wellBlinblingthing
That Isn't the point. The point is PS3 has otdone X360.
And to the other Guy. GeOW outscored Halo 3
ut3 is coming to the 360 so it's still tied. btw wasn't the ps3 supposed to pass the 360 up a long time ago?
PS3 version is going to be so far superior to the X360 version. We get it first, who knows when X360 will get it and if they will since Epic hates MS. Supporting mods alone makes the PS3 version 10x better. EmperorSupreme
is that why they made gears exclusive?
the game ain't coming to the 360 unless u give me a damm link ... ...
well its gonna be great on the ps3 ..
i don't see any "pc" mentioning in the article
[QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="Sir_Graham"]I would file this under the same category as Oblivion looking better on PS3. If a developer has an extra year to work on the engine they will no doubt make improvements on it and further optimise it. The real ownage will come if UT3 on PS3 looks better then on 360 and if Mass Effect does not look better then the console versions of UT3.Blinblingthing
If a 2008 game with same engine doesn't look better than a 2006 game I would think there was cause for concern.
However, why is this ownage? UT3 is also on 360.
I see your first statement doesn't account for a change in platforms? SO if UT3 came to wii with Unreal Engine should it look better than GeOW also? Nah your not gonna say that are you?
No one was arguing Exclusivity.
The real topic is PS3 outdoing what X360's GeOW did.
one year ago...
[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"][QUOTE="weiliang_1988"]Are you saying this won't be on the PC? Besides, as always the PC>consoles.the game ain't coming to the 360 unless u give me a damm link ... ...
well its gonna be great on the ps3 ..
i don't see any "pc" mentioning in the article
thats totall bullsh*t !?
i don't even need to install the game to play it.
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