[QUOTE="dirktu"][QUOTE="Innovazero2000"][QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]I keep saying how diferent the rest of the world is when it comes to gaming, sony has a clear advantage outside america, hard to explain this to a lot of people in this forum cause most of the peolple on this board are american and I guess they just don´t believe me.Innovazero2000
But the advantage is clearly not showing this gen...last sales chart I saw had the 360 outselling ps3 in most parts of europe (however extreme or slight) as well as Australia. The only other place I see Sony winning is Japan, and even then sales are extremely weak for both systems, with the wii dominating. That is hurting sony more however, as they are expected to battle well in there home country.
360 globally is doing much better then Xbox did, despite a $150 price disadvatage as the Xbox had a price drop within a year.
It's a low time in the year, I thin after this christmas/winter...we will see how the battle will end up looking like in the long run...and people have to start agreeing. This upcoming hoilday season is going to answer a lot of questions...
Interesting. Well, I know for a fact that Sony is really a respected brand in Europe. Sony equipment in general is considered to be quality equipment that won't break down on you. The Playstation brand is also very popular partially because it has been so well marketed: commercials, sponsoring the Champions League (major European soccer tournament) etc..
So isn't that the same across the ocean then? (serious question)
Oh I have no doubt Sony is a VERY well liked brand in Europe. Camera's, TV's..you name it, I know europe loves Sony.
But I think if you combine the price, the negetive backlash the PS3 is getting, combined with the horrific delay in Europe...and as shown..outside of the hardcore audence that flocked it to, nobody is buying it. Thats what I mean when I say, and this goes for every single territory. After this holiday season, I think we will start to see the bigger picture.
But yes, generally a country that has long respected or accepted a brand, that is marketed well, that is traditionally brought over a time, generally is always favored.
Well, actually I really was curious about that so-called "advantage" Sony has in Europe. Maybe there is.. I don't know. But my gut feeling would be the same as yours; altered PS3, delay, not many games yet etc.
I know that some American friends of my were amazed when they saw all the small European and Japanese cars in Europe and they told me they didn't have them in the U.S.A. because 'they weren't safe enough' (*uch* *uch* *yeah right*). So there could be a slight possibility that something similar is going on with the Sony brand when compared to the situation in Europe.Â
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