No, if it is not up to par by the reviewers standards it will be marked down. Which I thought was kind of obvious :? I don't review the games.
"That's called ignorance towards other people, and the world."
^^ Erm... What is?
What are you referring to when you reference "Reviewer's standards"? Are you insinuating that majority reviewers will be listening to the game in English? Once again, that is displaying absurd ignorance as I myself will play through the game more than once in other languages than English.
I'm not insinuating that at all. Undoubtedly though, like with any other language, there will be a lot of English reviewers. If the English VA were no good, for any number of possible reasons (just in case you misunderstand, I am not insinuating it will be no good, this is a hypothetical), then they would no doubt mark it down.
You're reading to far between the lines, and drawing conclusions about what I have said that seemingly hold no footing in reality. You basically misunderstood everything.
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