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ninja gaiden black
the first time I ran into the black spider ninjas/red dragons/tentecle monster part
after about the 12th time, I threw my controller at the floor so hard it broke into about 6 different peices. I just couldn't help it, I was pissed.:P
no more ng for the rest of that night.
I throw controllers, cuss a lot, and have punched holes in my wall (Guitar Hero 2 not activating Star Power on Jordan when you're halfway through the expert solo... FOUR TIMES IN A ROW).
Granted I only get mad from lag or broken elements (bugs, general problems, controller losing power at key moments, etc.). And FYI, I do meditate -- doesn't mean I'm not prone to getting pissed off when **** doesn't work. I actually have a pic of the hole in my wall :)
when i was a kid i used to go nuts over marble madness. i would get so angry that i would hit me nes so hard that the cart would pop up. how the nes survived years of that i dont know. anywho yeah that game literally had me in tears of rage. god forbid anyone would come near me while i was in that state. ahh good times :P.
nowadays it takes more to make me angry. if i do get angry then i usually curse and swear a bit at the screen and if it keeps annoying me then ill turn it off. i cant remember ever throwing a controller or kicking anyone though. controllers are expensive dammit :P.
Oh yes, forgot this little gem.
I've only gotten stitches one time in my life, and that was because of Halo 2. I was playing a Warlock SWAT CTF, and while playing I was reclining in my chair with my feet on my desk infront of my empty fish-tank. I died, cussed a little and kicked -- aiming for my wooden desk. I heard the shatter first, then felt the pain; apparently I had missed the desk and hit the fishtank, shattering it and cutting my foot.
I hobbled down my stairs, threw my foot in the sink, and told my mom that I was dopple-tarded and needed help bandaging up, but I wouldn't get stitches for something so stupid. Turned out it was one huge gash, and I indeed needed stitches. It was fun telling all of the nurses and doctors that I was there because I kicked a fish tank when playing a video game.
No. I've gotten frustrated with games before, but it's never translated to lashing out at anything around me.
I do sometimes curse when I get frustrated in online games.. which is the primary reason that I don't use voice activation for my microphone :P (if I have it on at all, which I usually don't in pubs)
Legend of Dragoon. I kept falling during the tight rope minigame. I almost broke my controller.
Gears of War is frustrating at times and I curse out loud, but that's normal and being a competitor.
Currently I'm EXTREMELY frustrated because I can't play Halo 3, Gears, BioShock for at least 2 more weeks (fuggin RROD!)
1. Yes. I went though... 4 Dualshock2 controllers.
2. Yep.
3. Yes... :(
4. Not exactly kill... But one time my friend was over playing Madden and I threw an int in the endzone in the 4th quarter and I went crazy. I threw the controler, ran out to the living room and starting beating up my sister... My friend was litteraly rolling on the ground laughing. :P
5. Not yet...
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