We all know the PS3 is selling well below expectations right now.That got me thinking: Every companies 3rd console I can think of has always been the one that winds up being the black sheep.Nintendo with their 64. By far the worst console they've ever released, and fittingly the worst selling console they've ever produced.Nintendo was NOTHING for awhile because of it.Sega with their Saturn. I think something like 12 people bought this system. It was really bad, it sort of killed their cred (what little they had).And now Sony with their PS3. Where's the games? Is this thing going down for real? I hope not, the Wii doesn't have the graphics, and the 360 is also technically inferior to the PS3 and dosen't have the uniqueness of the Wii. Good lord, this is starting to look real bad.But anyway, this seems to be following a trend. Ever notice it's the 3rd system that winds up testing a companies willingness to stay in the game?
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