What's wronng with Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo deciding a game worth becoming an exclusive to their platform and ensuring that?
Because we as gamers get screwed over for the companies benefit? By all means acquire exclusives 'in the background'; but don't take a game people are already looking forward to, knowing it is confirmed on their platform, and make it platform exclusive. That just makes the company look like a total dick.
Fanboys get off on the idea of their companies succeeding; gamers shouldn't mind if more people get to enjoy a game, especially when it was already announcement for a multiplatform release.
you know what the word suspicion means? Because it sounds as though your confusing it with the world obvious.
Anything more certain sounding would have people taking offense and demanding sources *looks above*.
The better a game is looking and the more hype it recieves makes it even more important for a company to try and secure it as an exclusive.
This forum is full of fanboys who will love when their company gets an exclusive but dread it when their opposition does. See Cows and Lemmings with FF XIII.
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