Absolutely Everything We Know About Nintendo's Presence At E3 2009
A continuation of my Nintendo E3 Hype Thread
The Electronic Entertainment Expo is widely considered to be the industry's leading platform for all major game anouncements. E3 has, in the past, been a place to go big, or go home. Rumor has it that behind-closed-door deals have been made in order to ensure this same atmosphere prospers at this year's E3, and could this include Nintendo?
First, it is important to understand this:
(Referencing an E3 Question) ...We'll be showcasing the back half of the marketing calender and all of the content we will be launching at that point linkReggie
Nintendo is now, more than ever, tight lipped about everything they have in development. No longer will we have an anouncement of a Zelda game in 2004 only for it to wind up on store shelves late 2006. What Nintendo will show will only be for months June to December. If they do more than that, it will be one major bone to core fans.
1. Nintendo has something up their sleeves for this year, and E3. It's something big that we don't know about yet, and it will have to generate hardware sales. link 2.We know that Nintendo has multiple new titles, whether that means 2, 3 or 10, we don't know. link 3. We know Iwata wants to focus on Japan and getting their market going once again. link 4.We know that these titles will sell well in the West as well. link Matt Casamassina wrote: Earlier from the GDC show floor, some Nintendo reps told me that I better get to E3 2009 early with a big team, comments that mesh well with Mr. Iwata's statements previously that Nintendo would demonstrate system-selling new software at the forthcoming exhibition. link 6.We know that Nintendo did not meet their plans for releasing software and have several postponed titles for the latter half of this calendar year. As for our deployment during the latter half of this year, I would like to announce on the other day as it is not today's main topic. I would like to address that Nintendo recognize that we have been short of new proposals during the former half of this year, so far." link Third, we should know that it's probably not zelda, mario or pikmin even though all three are in development today. Zelda: E3 2007: Asked if Twilight Princess would be Wii's last Zelda, Aonuma said, "I can't say, but I guess for now, maybe, yeah (laughs). Not to say that it's going to be the final game. There's still a lot of potential with the Wii so there's still a possibility that there could be another Zelda for it. We do have some ideas in the works, but I can't say for sure because none of them have been approved and we're still very much in the planning process, so I hope you look forward to whatever comes out." Mario: The most unlikely out of the three because it is the one that released the most recent. Nintendo of Japan has also had a small team working on the Wii-make of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Pikmin: link That lack of a lead designer would make it seem like Pikmin 3 wouldn't be at a point of release, though this is the most likely of the three as it was announced to be in development 1 year ago (Miyamoto - 'we are making Pikmin'). Fourth, 3rd Parties will most likely play a larger roll in Nintendo's success.Satoru Iwata wrote: When we look at the situation of Wii in Japan, we cannot say that the mechanism which worked on DS is working on Wii. Two years after its launch in Japan, in the latter half of the previous fiscal year, we were not able to largely increase the ratio of third party publishers sales in Japan. However in Japan, the much-anticipated Monster Hunter Tri will be launched in the coming summer. Several new strong Wii titles are expected to follow. We recognize that this is an important, challenging time for us. We will challenge to increase the presence of third party titles on Wii. link I will be able to say our licensees 'get it' when their very best content is on our platform, and with very few exceptions today, that's not the case. - November 18, 2008 link - March 27, 2009 link Finally, If this E3 sucks, the next year will be full of news. 1. link EDGE: Is it true that Wii Music is the last of the games from your original list of ideas for Wii software? Miyamoto EDGE: You've covered sports, fitness and now music, all universally appealing subjects. Is it becoming more of a challenge to find new universal themes? (Considers for a long time) Well, yes, it is challenging to find something universal but, after all, that's my job as I see it. Until the time that I am in a position to tell you the next subject, we can only confirm that we are working on the next Mario and the next Zelda, etc. link 3. - October 27, 2008 link 4. What I've been saying to our development teams recently is that "Twilight Princess" was not a bad game, by any means. But, still, it felt like there was something missing. And while, personally, I feel like "Super Mario Galaxy" was able to do some things that were very new and were very unique, at the same time, from another perspective, certain elements of it do feel somewhat conservative in terms of how far we branched out with design. And so this is something I've been talking to both of those teams about. Of course, as is customary with Nintendo, it's very rare that we are able to announce any games until they're ready for release, but I can say that these are themes that both of those teams are taking into account and the hope is that for both of those franchises, when we do release the next installments of the "Zelda" (franchise) or maybe the next "Galaxy," hopefully they will feel newer and fresher than their most recent versions. link UPDATE - Looks like this is all part of a new company that works under Nintendo, Project Sora You can check out the official page here. Project Sora is a first-party company for Nintendo, and they're working on a new title at this time. UPDATE 2 - Iwata has confirmed that the current project that that Project Sora is working on is not a new Smash Bros.. "It's not Smash Bros. I asked for. …I can promise an experience that's different from anything [you've played] up until now." Based on all of this, what do you think Nintendo will show at E3 2009? Mod edit - Made some fixes >_>
Second, we need to know that that doesn't mean there will be nothing at E3, there might be a lot Nintendo has hidden that we won't know about until the conference. Here is what we do know:
5.We know that Nintendo representatives are reccomending big Nintendo teams for E3.
2.EDGE wrote:Laughs) Yes, it is true that the existing Wii games, including Wii Music, were on the top priority list, but there is some other software, of course (laughs), but I cannot talk about it!
5.GoNintendo wrote: Nintendo has announced that Masahiro Sakurai has started a new project. Yeah, you know the guy…he's the one that started that little series called Smash Bros.. What's the new title that Sakurai is working on? You know Nintendo isn't going to tell us that one. We'll have to hang tight and speculate endlessly until Nintendo decides to trickle-feed us info.
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