Over the past month sense we basically have been pondering over games such as Haze, and UT3. I'm really tired of hearing about time exclusive, and exclusivness when it is on the pc as well. So I want people to discuss this, and really think about it.
First off My thing with exclusitivity is this. You have consoles, and you have PCs. Now my thing is this, PC is not a console. Would you agree with me on that? If you agree with me than you will agree with the fact that if you can get lets say BIOSHOCK on 360, but not the PS3 than you can realistically say it is exclusive. Why? Well that is the only console you can get the game on. You can get it on a PC but a PC is not a console. That is my opinion, and I really do not think you can take a console, and say hey its not exclusive because it is on PC, yes this is another option but a PC is not a frigin console end of story. I want people's thoughts on that.
Secondly, this timed exclusive stuff is really getting sicking, and old. I think really its about time that people move on with HAZE and UT3. Everyone should just say hey we all get to play both of these great games, and end it. STOP TALKING ABOUT TIME EXCLUSIVE it really does not matter at all. Big deal I have to wait another month or so to play this game.
So basically my conclusion is. I'm tired of people comparing PCs with consoles on exclusivity because I feel they are two different platforms, and they are not in the same market. I feel as though if you can only get it on a 360 not the PS3 is it exclusive because they are consoles. Same goes for Wii and PS3. Please I also want people to really think about the time exclusitivity, and to really think if it is worth arguing about on any system, because in the end its going to be available for both systems anyways so what is the difference? DISCUSS.
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