I'd be happy with this running in 4K @60fps

What are your expectation for next gen console graphics?
@knight-k: But we have that now (1080 60fps). Plus you will never be able to market 1080p 60fps as being better than 4k 30fps to the masses.
I expect PS5 to be 4K/30, graphics a little better than PS4. Less jump than PS3 to PS4. Release 2020.
Xbox next to be 4K/60, graphics same as PS5... Release 2021.
Sony will probably counter in 2023-2024 with the final console. PS5 PRO, 4K/60 + Improved graphics. No need for more than this. Maybe more into the future they do something stupid like PS5 PRO 8K... useless. i guess only a casual playing on a 100 inch TV will get it. Real gamers will play on small monitors.
I expect the level of Anthem reveal trailer to be matched with perhaps better frame rates down the line. I also expect physics, animations, volumetric and realtime dynamic effects to increase by a good margin, the 7nm 8 core Ryzen cpu's in the next gen consoles will provide a bigger jump than the one from ps3 to ps4.
What you are looking at are a lot of post processing effects. Rather than forcing everything to 4K 60fps, if you actually want to better looking games development should be invested in those processing effects. Resolution and fps are buzzwords and the easiest to scale with the least effort because just through more hardware prevents the devs from putting more effort into other effects.
I'd honestly be happy with a bit better graphics at 4K / 60fps; have every game run crisp and buttery smooth.
4k/60 isn't going to happen, they always elect for better visuals because that's what markets the console. I don't see why it wouldn't be a sizeable jump up from current gen with the upcoming Navi line and a much better CPU.
I’m may be a little to generous here but I’m gonna say 4k30 med/high settings and 1440 60fps performance mode. Don’t think we’ll see 1440/144 since consoles are built for TVs and 120hz is the average for most TVs.
Next gen wont do 4k/60. It would on some games, but with the fidelity of let's say uncharted with "maxed out" settings, nah. 4k/30 would be more probable. As others have said, it's easier to market shinier graphics than smooth gameplay.
@knight-k: But we have that now (1080 60fps). Plus you will never be able to market 1080p 60fps as being better than 4k 30fps to the masses.
We do, but 4K/60fps is a totally different animal. Might be too much of a reach in a $399 console just a year or two from now. It could be like last gen where in trying to force HD, a bunch of games couldn't even really pull off HD resolutions and the framerates ended up being a disgrace just trying to push them there.
That being said. Even the Pro and the X can already do full native 4K in some games. So it's not like it's a stretch that alot more games will pull it off no problem. But for some of the AAA games that push the graphics, they might have to scale it down a bit.
Next gen wont do 4k/60. It would on some games, but with the fidelity of let's say uncharted with "maxed out" settings, nah. 4k/30 would be more probable. As others have said, it's easier to market shinier graphics than smooth gameplay.
Pretty much. But I'm sure both new consoles will quite a bit more powerful than the X, so most games should be able to do either 4K/60 or 4K/30. Just depends on what they want to prioritize - graphics or framerate. Hopefully they learned from last gen that whatever they do, don't let the framerates studder or dip into the teens. I can live with a stable 30 in most genres, but 60 is of course preferable. Hopefully they give the option for 1080p/120hz in some games too. My 4K TV is not native 120hz, but I have a 1080p display that is, and that's where I do most of my gaming. Thing is, I've hardly been able to really make use of 120hz. So it would be nice to be able to get that as an option.
4K 60fps?
Keep on dreaming. Be happy if the new standard is 1080p/60fps.
It won't be. The new standard will be 4K at 30FPS with dips down to 20. Same as we had at the start of this gen.
Visuals > smooth gameplay.
Sad reality of console gaming.
@enzyme36: I can name over a dozen games on PS4 that blow that sorcerer demo out of the water.
It's not uncommon for games to eventually beat tech demos.
@KillzoneSnake: A 100 inch 8K tv costs about 20000 USD. That's some real casual gaming right there :)
None of the next-gen consoles will be 8K. There simply isn't a market yet, and the price of a capable console would shoot through the roof. I expect the next PS5 to be slightly stronger than the xbox one x, and the next xbox to be slightly stronger than the PS5. That's what you get for 500 USD folks.
I want a remaster of Watch Dogs E3 2012 version I still feel burned by the downgrade it started this gen on such a depressing note.
Super Mighty XXX 8K 120 fps BC/FC MegaMonsterBox.... And nothing less will do. lol :P
Such a peasant. 5D 16K 240 FPS or go bust. :P
Pffft, the mid gen MegaMonsterBox XXXX refresh console will make that Pee Salty Sea cry.
It's good to be MasterRace. lolol :P
Super Mighty XXX 8K 120 fps BC/FC MegaMonsterBox.... And nothing less will do. lol :P
Such a peasant. 5D 16K 240 FPS or go bust. :P
Pffft, the mid gen MegaMonsterBox XXXX refresh console will make that Pee Salty Sea cry.
It's good to be MasterRace. lolol :P
Why are you bringing porn? :P
Games already look so damn good, that it's hard to predict the next step. I believe next gen consoles will be able to run anything from 8th generation at 4k60, and even more demanding games, like Star Citizen at something like 1600p30 or 1080p60.
I remember last gen in the IGN forums someone saying Gear of War looked so realstic, it was impossible for games to look better - that we had reached the pinical. LOL.
Honestly, the pinnacle will be when we can't distinguish reality, but that will be decades from now, although I believe the future is AR/VR.
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