[QUOTE="Puckhog04"][QUOTE="Jared2720"][QUOTE="Pimpshigity21"][QUOTE="Paddy345"] :lol: Get a life nerd, are all you lemmings like this, you spend more time looking up sony than your own system, it's ok that you can't afford a ps3:P
Overall sony profited anywaylol
I can't afford a PS3...true. I spend all my money buying the miriad of great 360 titles available for the console NOW. I guess you guys are saving your money for next year, right?
Get a life nerd? I've seen some of your posts...you should take your own advice.;)
Another "just wait" Lemming. Typical. How about this...
If your 360 hasn't failed yet, just wait...There's a bright side to that though...if it does fail then that means you've been playing it...alot. And if you are one of the unlucky people that is part of the 20% or so that get the RROD then you still get it fixed for free unlike a certain company and those wonderful Disc Read Errors. ;)
20%... keep dreaming.http://www.fastsilicon.com/latest-news/microsoft-admits-all-xbox360s-are-defective.html?Itemid=60
It's really laughable how Lemmings criticize Sony for their arrogance... as if Microsoft is any better. The only reason you get it fixed for free is because Microsoft wanted to avoid the flood of lawsuits. Go ahead, though. Enjoy Halo 3 and Bioshock and Mass Effect... until your 360 dies. And then you'll be waiting (poetic, isn't it?) while us Cows are enjoying our lineup of '08 games that stomps all over that of the 360...Yet, the defective rate is only around 20-25% (which was estimated by retailers). So in other words, not all are breaking...and far from it. Even if it's 25% that means that 75% of them are still working. I've used mine constantly since launch and never have had a problem.
You're one of those people who think that the defective rate (consoles busting) is 100% with 360's. You're ignorant. The highest (by anyone) that the defective rate has even been quoted as is 30%. You're delusional and ignorant...bad combo.
The poetic thing is that PS3 fanboys thought the '07 lineup stomped all over the 360's '07 lineup. Funny how that turned out, huh? Hell, Fable 2, Too Human, Lost Odyssey, Alan Wake, Halo Wars, etc. all are hugely anticipated for '08. Along with big PS3 titles line Unreal Tournament 3 (now coming out the same time as PS3's version lol).
I'd rather have a 25% chance of my 360 busting and have great games consistently through time as opposed to having a console with very few good games to play. That's not to say that i won't buy a PS3 at some point (i just won't be as fanboyish as you are) but it won't be till next year if i do. And knowing how ignorant and bitter people like you are regarding the PS3 makes me not like PS3 fans. "PS2 was a success so PS3 will be too"...please, grow up.
Yep, i'll keep enjoying all my games. And if my 360 dies, i'll send it in for free and get a replacement for free and a week later i'll still be playing all those great games. Most that have issues the first time don't after so i'd be good for a long time. Keep telling yourself what you want...the issue isn't with the 360's quality of games...it's with the lack of quality of PS3's games atm. So keep telling yourself what you need to feel better. I'll just watch while i'm playing phenomenal games and tons of them. ;)
That's another thing that MS did that Sony didn't. My PS2 got DRE's and stopped reading discs after one year. I call them and end up paying $100 to get it fixed. Reports of DRE's all over the place around that time and soon after and they still deny the problem to this day. Yet, these same people criticize the 360 for having a few hardware issues. Ah, the hypocrisy. Congrats, you're a Hypocrite.
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