lol why is oblivion worth bashing?
so dumbed down after morrowind and the game felt uber simplified which took away some of what made the elder scrolls games what they were.Dont get me wrong it was nice looking but gameplay and quest wise it felt as flat as a pancake compared to its predescessor even the art style :(
I disagree. The fact that physics were integrated into The Elder Scrolls in Oblivion made it better, IMO. In Morrowind, you can swing your sword 5 times, and only twice would you be able to actually hit your opponent depending on your stats. I'm glad they got rid of the "roll of the dice" gameplay.The combat was the only improvement I thought.
Everything else was castrated. The story was short and dull, the characters were mostly boring and lifeless, the world was a copy/paste job where almost everything looked the same, dungeons were just there with no real reason to explore them(about 1% chance any good loot would be in them), etc.
Mods made things somewhat better and it had a couple quests that were interesting, like the who done it quest. But for the most part, it was very meh. Like Fable 2 actually.
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