Yet your games suck
Yet your upcoming games suck
Yet your online play is pathetic
Your onlive service as a whole is a joke
Nintendo arent doing anything for the industry, they are taking it backwards
I'll give a bit of a wall of text, but I think its a good read, I'll take your points on in the order you give them1. the games do not suck. The best wii games are pretty great imo, and passable by any gamers standards. Excite truck, godfather, wiisports, rayman, warioware, super paper mario, and twilight princess off the top of my head. I would say the ps3 games suck, but maybe that's because I dont own a ps3, so it would only seem that way because I dont know what I"m talking about. Like you.
2. as mentioned, ssbb, smg, mp3, all of which can stand up against any competition, bar none. Dont say GTA4 or Halo3 or Metal gear, because although all those games are great, they are not objectively better unless you measure a game's superiority by its polygon count.
And xbox 360 had a year edge, and its games are not even that much bettter. The most overrated games of this gen are xbox 360 games, which gamespot went way overboard with because it was comepeting against last gen games, and you can tell that if you read the reviews.
3., 4. Nintendo's online has surprised many people by how great it is. It is not as good as live and it is not as good as home, but it is not a runaway difference like the graphics edge the other two consoles have. And remember, it can be updated at any time and with a few tweaks it would rival even the almighty live. Also, dont forget that the more users a console has, the better its online will be. Nintendo's sales success already makes its online better than the ps3's. Lastly, I'm no computer expert, but if the wii's games are graphically inferior, wont that make its online smoother, since the connection will have less load to carry?
5. how is nintendo taking the industry backwards? The pointer cursor and motion sensing are HUGE advancements in gaming technology, and there is no going back. The pointer cursor especially, which puts analog controls to shame in many respects, and works in tandem with analog controls in places where a cursor does not help. If you played a wii game that didn't just tack the controls on, but rather integrated them completely you might agree (wiisports, need for speed, excite truck, godfather to an extent, ssx, warioware, and there's more right now I'm sure).
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