Insider Daily. 50% more powerful SDK for 3th parties confirmed. More than 32MB of ESRAM on the way.
Insider: Hi.. I can not comment on upscale patchs at this time.. as the industry's is now starting to get there new sdk tools drivers. This is only second wave of updates.. but its clear that most games with out optimisation will hit targets of 1080-800p / 900p. Like I have said before if its out in march it wont be 100% 1920x1080p or 2k
games like tf with online as main focus have server load balancing to keep in mind.. servers are still getting switched on to take the load. And keep this in mind it is a two way street. Your ip has to be able to feed your data. This is not the same approach as cloud. Tf is in sever build only.. 792p is "Not" the final res. Textures are not final. This build is old and has been in test internally for 5 months. Its is only for sever load. Going from statistics on sever load this is trully the most advanced game for online severs from a console prospective.
And respawn are extremely happy. 10 days till gold. I can see respawn pushing for 1080p. But if not easily 900p 2x msaa .. still games coming in april will all be 1080p if the development teams optimize for new drivers.
New sdk/drivers/tools alone are adding 40% more performance overhead old drivers tool chains. With out optimisation 60% easily with balance optimisation Third wave will see live and gfx loads balance up nicely with load.. live is the hold up the last few months. You just dont magically flick a switch and every thing is updated on sever side.. and then you have client side offline cloud.. things take time that is why ms did not lunch in 32 country and look how that worked for sony. There on line service is broken .. no other words for it.. and then you have psnow :) which is a whole different approach to end game :)
Misterx: Insiders info from 4 weeks ago about new updates will bring more than 50% of additional power confirmed by Rebellion developers this week.
"They are releasing a new SDK that’s much faster and we will be comfortably running at 1080p on Xbox One. We were worried six months ago and we are not anymore."
Misterx: Sonys insider Thuway said the gap will only widen beetwin Xbox One and PS4. But it is closing. Another proof Thyway misslead everyone and could not be trusted. New update will bring not 8% of increase as he said but much more. No software optimisation could do that 50% jump. Only new hardware use.
Misterx: That will be an interesting situation after March this year.
3th party
Xbox One - 1080p
PS4 - 1080p with lower textures and less colors.
Almost parity
Xbox One - 1080p/60fps
PS4 - less than 1080p/30fps.
Xbox One won
SonyGaf heads will explode.
1. How 50% less powerfull console could be on pair with PS4 in 3th party games?
2. How 50% more powerfull console have inferior exclusives?
Also we still expect BF4 and AC4 1080p patches. Insider told that in November. How could he know about that 4 months ahead? That proves our insider have very high level of access and even know what many 3th party developers don't.
Misterx: Another interesting confirmation we got this week. Xbox One have more than 32MB of ESRAM. Not only there is a strange ESRAM situation on 1st layer(see previos post for details) but as insider said back in 2012 2nd layer will have the same amount of ESRAM as 1st layer. Insider told 110 and 110 back in time when there were 3 SOCs. Now it is 64 and 64 from latest insights we got from.
Ubisoft Insider: My UbiSoft source confirm stereo drivers and access to 128MB Esram (first layer 64MB+second layer 64MB) in July 2014. I think Insider Daily confirm this too ;)
Misterx: Great comment i found here - People with contacts with chip designers speak.
BlackBox : Been reading this( for some time. The evidence he's supplied not only seems feasible, but those I know who know chipset design think this is brilliant.
It's a calculated risk to be sure. Scary, but calculated.
I think that they (MS) should have come out of the gate stronger. Right now, the loyal to Xbox are footing this initial deficit of power and features.
MS wants a 10-year life span on this, and it's one smart way to get it.
The way xb1 and ps4 are designed are as follows:
Ps4: like a gaming laptop, current-gen. Powerful for what it is, but no forward thinking on tech.
Xb1: like a server with memory pooling and huge channel in/outs (true multi-thread both in and out). Forward thinking tech like tiling and stacked dies (chipset). The chipset is also "fully coherent hardware" - which is an industry first. Great things are still yet to be made full use of. (The esram is one point).
Both consoles will see major gains in graphics display performance with AMD releasing their "mantle" drivers (AMD states 47% increase). (edit: mantle drivers will increase PC only. Consoles already have that level of optimisation).
However the soon to come HSA drivers MS will release will unlock more "power" and make the hardware sing for xb1 - making mantle seem "old news" despite the jaw-dropping increase.
AMDs own internal docs prove a lot of this and the remaining evidence he's proposed are from chipmakers like AMD to make the case.
sorry guys just can't help myself.
Discuss. ;)
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