Sadly, the jagged edges, washed-out lighting, and slightly diminished draw distance of the PS3 release aren't so easy to dismiss. We also experienced a number of visual bugs on the PS3. Character faces disappeared several times, leaving only eyeballs and hair; limbs on robots went missing; some character models had an odd outline around them as if they were cel-shaded; and the day-to-night transition may cause odd streaks on the screen as you move the camera around. This version doesn't even offer trophies, whereas the Xbox 360 and PC versions offer Xbox Live/Windows Live achievements. Aside from a few PS3-specific sound quirks....
However, there is one major issue with the PS3 version that can't be fixed with a reset. Every time anybody on your friends list signs on or sends you a message (or any time you receive any network notification), the game freezes and the screen blurs for a few seconds. If you have a lot of friends signing on and off all day, this will completely ruin the game.
^^^^ Doesn't sound like Gamespot/IGN agrees with Eurogamer's comparison. I like how Eurogamer says better lighting and Gamespot says washed-out. Plus there where comparison shots on here a few days ago where the PS3 version had missing objects. What did you scour the web to find this one review who disagrees?
Sound quirks, jaggies, washed-out lighting, draw distance, pop-in, missing textures, framerate issues. Ya that sounds like a winner and a better technical achievement! V-sync is not a real demading option and is an option most left on in old CRT monitors to keep from tearing. Plus if the 360 version left off 2xFSAA it would probably run and a better clip also ;)
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