Definately looks better than those horrible perk trees. Should make each level and perk pick interesting rather than making players pick a perk just to get to the cooler ones later down the road.
That said, why does a charisma perk increase carrying cap by 50 and grant a 15% damage reduction per perk rank?
Thats a lone wanderer perk... only activates when you have no companion. I think the charisma choice has to do more with the loner status... and they had to give you a carrying buff if you dont have your mules.
Strong Back is still under strength.
On a side note... Charisma looks like its pretty good this time. Will need at least five to get that killer Party Animal perk.
Yup, but that perk has little to do with charisma.
Being alone is not something I would associate charisma with.
They said there is no level cap.
Not that there is no soft cap. You will eventually run out of quests and content. You will likely hit a wall, estimated level 50-70.
That is only 70~ out of 280 perks.
Mods, DLC, Random Encounters
It will be possible and viable, just like it became with Skyrim after they added Legendary Skills.
Then there are also 100 magazines in the game. Its too early to jump to conclusions. But if they give you existing perks, that will result in even less choice.
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