Not really seeing jackshit here to support your theory about New Vegas having this supposed plethora of possibilities in the game world as opposed to Bethesda's entries...
Seems like New Vegas simply has the 'Obsidian' name attached to it and you're running from there...
Wouldn't really fly, considering I'm not exactly super high on Obsidian, New Vegas is the only Obsidian game I actually like for that matter. It was as simple as Fallout 3 did these things, I didn't like it. New Vegas did these things, and added up to me enjoying it more. Simply put there are more checks in New Vegas, that aren't there in Fallout 3. You need to be a proper speech level to pass certain speech checks. Basic, simple, old rpg design that still matters to this day in that stuff. Fallout 3, you can be dolt, it doesn't matter. Likewise the choices aren't tied to this bs morality system Bethesda wanted to tie it all to, I'd rather the faction system in that regard.
Shoot up rivet city? Wait 3 days, no one gives a shit. But until then everyone who had nothing to do with Rivet City, gives a shit. In contrast Novak don't care what you did to the white glove society, they are Novac, they don't care about anything that isn't Novac. If you have negative reception with a faction in New Vegas, you miss out on quests, again that means something. It's really as simple as that when it comes to a RPG. Per playthrough the system is willing to actually take things away from you, because that's what you created and the choices you made. Fallout 3 is sloppier about it, it's gamey at times where it wants me to suspend my disbelief on a lot of things. Shit the way you handled quests had impact on things ranging from Karma, to faction rep, to companion rep, to what future quests you can and can not do.
You could actually join all the gangs and do all the quests in New Reno if you followed the good order in Fallout 2
well played.
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