After the SONY conference in February, and after picking up their jaws from the floor, MS had to come up with something that would make the X1 look to be at least as powerful as the PS4, and at the same time, never really be measured or proven.
Awesome plan MS, you truly are the Shinra Corps of the real world.
Actually no, it had been rumoured long before PS4 reveal that MS would be merging aspects of its business, and that Azure would greatly benefit MSs plan for the next Xbox.
The thing is, it has been proven. Persistant worlds for example are nothing new, they've been done in MMOs for example. Now thats possible in any genre, the new Fable which will just be an action / RPG will have a persistant world, and that actually can't be done without the cloud. You couldn't achieve that just on local hardware.
The AI in Forza 5? Again, you need the cloud to collect all that data and feed it back to players.
Even just really simple stuff like how they're using it in Sunset Overdrive. "Price also added that the console's online cloud structure and horsepower would allow more "hardcore data collection, correlation and translation" that would be tough on current generation consoles. "We are going to be relying on heavy back-end services to churn through the data we get from players to understand what they're telling us and what they're doing in the game." Basically means that that conversation between the company and players allows for a constant stream of updates and tweaks based on player behaviour and feedback. This was utilized in Halo 4 as well, and have you noticed just how much the multiplayer has changed in that since launch? Much better now.
I think where MS threw people off was by saying that for every XOne, there would be 3 times that in processing power available in the cloud. Which could well be true but people autmotically assumed that to meaning that XOne's would have 3 times the graphics, 3 times the power etc. Which isn't the case at all.
And before people bitch and cry saying this has been done on PC or whatever, the difference in this scenario is that MS, a platform holder, is providing this service to all devs. That hasn't been done before. As the Respawn guys said, they went to both Sony and MS. MS offered them Azure for a cheap price, and so thats why its on Xbox and Windows and not Playstation. Sony aren't offering that same level of service because they simply don't have the infrastructure MS does.
:cool: #dealwithit
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