It was ok, too much like FC3 to me.
I think FC2 was the best even though the tons of driving sucked.
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It was a really good game for what it was, but it's impact was lessened because it didn't really improve on Far Cry 3 all that much. I probably wouldn't buy a Far Cry 5 for this reason. What I felt was missing was the story. It wasn't nearly as intriguing as Far Cry 3's. The drug scenes were cool though.
I liked the scenery in 4 better than 3, but I hated having to do 10 rounds in the arena to unlock the bushman.
Also I wanted to shoot the DJ, I wish he would stfu so I can hear the music.
And the animals were overpowered, overabundant, there's always some animal attacking you.
And Amita made a mockery of anything having to with women's lib. "You did the other mission instead of mine you misogynist? Don't you know Kyrat needs heroin to build schools and stop domestic violence."
The characature of gay people was borderline offensive. "Hello, I'm gay, THERE IS BLOOD ON MY SHOES DIEDIEDIE!"
There's so many things I noticed in FC4 that aren't in FC3.......
1. The Buzzer - it's a full-fledged airborne fighting machine. Not in Fc3.
2. Being able to shoot from the glider as well. Not in FC3.
3. It's true there are still towers. But, at least a number of them are occupied by bad guys, making their capture a bit harder. I don't recall any of the towers in FC3 being occupied.
4. Much fewer cut scenes that can't be skipped.
5. The ability to call in a sidekick to help in pitched battles. I didn't see that in FC3.
6. Drive a vehicle or ride shotgun. Have a sidekick ride with the player. The vehicle can be put on auto-drive, allowing both player and sidekick to shoot bad guys. I didn't see those in FC3.
7. The grappling hook allowed better use of the vertical. I didn't see that in FC3.
8. Killing bad guys via animal bait. I didn't see that in FC3.
9. The mortar is pretty fun whether firing it or being on the receiving end. Not in FC3.
10. Certain animals can now harm both player and vehicle even if the player is aboard. Not in FC3. In FC3, you're safe once you get into a vehicle. Not in FC4.
11. Bad guys can now climb many structures the player can. In FC3, the player has a measure of safety after climbing a structure.
12. Turn off the UI totally. Can't do it in FC3 except maybe a few hex hacks.
There's probably more in FC4 that I missed. But, to say it's just a repeat of FC3.... Yeesh.
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