[QUOTE="SilentlyMad"] My gosh legion blew me away. When I heard about legion I was expecting the basic robot but I was blown away. Heck I love how he even calls him Shepard Commander. Even how he does not consider himself a single person hence how EDI says Legion.
Also I still do not trust the geth even if Legion is awsome. Heck I still do not trust Legion either.
These are the same people who gave us HK-47.

How was a good robot companion a surpise from BioWare, you stupid Meatbag. :P
While HK-47 was more comedy but Legion was more of a enigma. He was basicly the enemy of my enemy is my friend the famous chinese proverb. Legion was never given the impression that he is a fully trusted ally. Heck in his first coversation he stats his goals and then Shep asks will Organics be effected and then Legion says Yes if they involve themselves. The way Bioware handled Legion gave me far more respect for Bioware. I really did not like HK-47 except for the few laughs but with Legion I still do not know where to stand. Legion is the Geth so to like Legion then you like the Geth and vice versa. They share the same mind and they are the same.Anyways the way this conversation played out was epic since it does not scream hey I am your buddy now or scream hey I am the bad guy it just leaves you scratching your head and hoping for the best. ( to people that have not played it there is more Legion ones but this is the first one)
Here is the link
edit-His achievment says it all (friend or foe)
True, but his/it's your biggest fan with out the creepiness. He/it is very impressed by you.
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