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I'm a young gamer, so I've never played/experienced any of these old school games without feeling like they were very outdated (something I very much regret), but I'm going to say Halo: Combat Evolved.
To me, the game is perfect. I love the atmosphere, the story, the cinematics, the characters, the combat; I love everything about it. I think I can play through that game on Legendary in under 3 hours... I've probably clocked hundreds of hours in front of my TV playing it.
Deus Ex, followed by Total Annihilation.
Starcraft, no explanation needed. If you don't like Starcraft I can't respect your taste in video games. Well, actually Brood War if we want to nitpick. Others up there include Halo (the whole series), SSB:M, Suikoden, and Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance. Others I can't think of.mynameisdumb
Sorry, but TA is just better than Starcraft.
I liked it a whole lot more than Starcraft; it is not a clickfest (i.e. it requires thought. Who'da thunk that a real time STRATEGY game could do that?)
Starcraft is still amazing though.
Deus Ex, followed by Total Annihilation.
[QUOTE="mynameisdumb"]Starcraft, no explanation needed. If you don't like Starcraft I can't respect your taste in video games. Well, actually Brood War if we want to nitpick. Others up there include Halo (the whole series), SSB:M, Suikoden, and Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance. Others I can't think of.thepwninator
Sorry, but TA is just better than Starcraft.
I liked it a whole lot more than Starcraft; it is not a clickfest (i.e. it requires thought. Who'da thunk that a real time STRATEGY game could do that?)
Starcraft is still amazing though.
LMAO I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion but honestly? I'm sorry but SC is hands down the best RTS ever, and I am going to stretch and say best game (at least in my opinion). That's like claiming that your high school stud quarterback is better than Tom Brady, or Manning. Ok, lame analogy but I blanked. The point is SC demolishes any other RTS hands down, end of story, only one even competing is WC (but still not even).
Ocarina of Time, followed by Mario 64 and Halo 1.
Do I need to explain OoT? I just loved the feeling of being in a big open world with so many things to do and places to go. I rarely even played the main story, I mostly rode around on Epona, played mini games, and completed various side quests.
Paper Mario. When it came out it just hooked me instantly and wasted many a cold morning playing that game.Duckman5
Werd! I loved that game too, I need to play it again some time along with OoT.
Ugh... same old. :x
Anyway Shadow of the Colossus, made me genuinely feel something, though I will contend that in years to come Ico will probably be more appreciated and age better.
Ugh... same old. :x
Anyway Shadow of the Colossus, made me genuinely feel something, though I will contend that in years to come Ico will probably be more appreciated and age better.
I might have to change mt answer. Shadow ofthe colossus game me that good feeling as did legends of dragoon. I dont know. I think its a tie for me.
Sly 2: Band of Thieves
remember-there is a huge difference between your favorite game of all time and what you think is the best game of all time.
Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma-Unmatched gameplay, great graphics, smart AI, awesome boss fights, cool puzzles. ...It's one of the only games that made me want to beat the hardest difficulty.
Followed by God Of War & Shenmue.
Resident Evil 4 [Nintendo Gamecube]
I was really taken by surprise with this game. I wasn't even hyping it, anticipating it, or even planning on buying for that matter. My best friend, being a bigger Resident Evil fan than I was the one keeping up with all the previews and reviews before and after it came out. He called me up and told me the game received a 9.6 from Gamespot. At that point I figured it was time to go pick it up. About 10 minutes into the game I had a feeling I was about to play through the greatest game of all time. I have to say that not only did the games blow past my expectations, it completely blew my mind. The tense action, amazing cutscenes, great boss fights, visuals, and your weapon arsenal. The game is amazing. I will never get the joy of being able to play through it for the first time again, and Resident Evil 5 may not outdo it either since it's pretty much the same game in a new setting, but who knows, maybe Capcom can stun me twice.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
Everything about this game is good... the characters, the music, the masks, the dungeon design, the sidequests...
um..either starcraft, halo, or ghost recon....all for online multiplayer and lan
ill say ghost recon..our clan kicked ass
Metal Gear Solid - Nuff said
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Also nuff said
NBA Courtside - Heh, it was just fun
Halo:CE - Yeah, awesome
Command and conquer: Red Alert 1, 2 and Generals.
Age of Empires 2
Warcraft 2 and 3
Diablo 2
Damn it I have to pick one?
Probably MGS. And I'm a lemming!
I forgot to tell mine; Shenmue. The reason why is because it is by far more epic and beautiful then any other game I've ever played.Shenmue_Jehuty
I might have to go with the second one, but I played the ifrst many more times. I will burn SEGA to the ground if they don't finish that series.
Resident Evil 4 [Nintendo Gamecube]
I was really taken by surprise with this game. I wasn't even hyping it, anticipating it, or even planning on buying for that matter. My best friend, being a bigger Resident Evil fan than I was the one keeping up with all the previews and reviews before and after it came out. He called me up and told me the game received a 9.6 from Gamespot. At that point I figured it was time to go pick it up. About 10 minutes into the game I had a feeling I was about to play through the greatest game of all time. I have to say that not only did the games blow past my expectations, it completely blew my mind. The tense action, amazing cutscenes, great boss fights, visuals, and your weapon arsenal. The game is amazing. I will never get the joy of being able to play through it for the first time again, and Resident Evil 5 may not outdo it either since it's pretty much the same game in a new setting, but who knows, maybe Capcom can stun me twice.
RE5 I hope does as good as RE4, and if it's better I'll cry.
I'm technically an FPS / JRPG gamer at heart, by Shadow Of the Colossus has captured my heart and soul, fully throwing me into the atmosphere of the game. Because of this, it "feels" like the best game I have ever played, although I might be mistaking the "immersiveness" of the game with "favourite" a bit loosely.
I know I'm gonna get bashed for saying this : but FFX / FFXII are my two favourite games if I put SotC aside, but since I'm a JRPG gamer, take it with a grain of salt.
To be frank, everyone has their favourites. One man's trash is another man's treasure, as the saying goes. So as long as we have at least a certain game that pops up in our mind when we think of "Favourite Game Of All Time", we're still good. ^_^
Starcraft, no explanation needed. If you don't like Starcraft I can't respect your taste in video games. Well, actually Brood War if we want to nitpick. Others up there include Halo (the whole series), SSB:M, Suikoden, and Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance. Others I can't think of.mynameisdumb
Good answer, and my answer as well. Come on, Starcraft. I played that single game more than many others with other games..
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