Personally I prefer The Wood Elves or Khajit for their sneakiness and/or skill with a bow
(Yes I lumped the Humans andElvestogether but only because the limit on the amount of selections you can have in a poll)
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Personally I prefer The Wood Elves or Khajit for their sneakiness and/or skill with a bow
(Yes I lumped the Humans andElvestogether but only because the limit on the amount of selections you can have in a poll)
1: Because I can't post polls in Skyrim Forums 2: Its multi platformWhy is this in System Wars???
Fully aware of this, yes...but I didn't lump orcs with the rest because no one likes orcso yeah, nitpicking but the orcs are elves, they're all part of the mer (elves)
[QUOTE="BlackDevil99"]Fully aware of this, yes...but I didn't lump orcs with the rest because no one likes orcso yeah, nitpicking but the orcs are elves, they're all part of the mer (elves)
Redguard's personally. High Elves seem a bit too uptight for my taste, so coincidentally they are my least favorite race.
I like Dark Elves alot, probably the race I'm most comfortable playing. I often choose a Dark Elf mage type charecter but I give him a bow and light armor as well for back up, but he is first and foremost a magic charecter. I don't think there is any race I "hate", but I'm not really a fan of High Elves too much, I don't know why, just don't like tall charecters or their culture I guess.
Surprised no one voted Orc though, that's my favoirte warrior race. But I would like them to make a game set in Black Marsh, it just seems so mysterious to me and most of it is uncharted. Also even though I'm not a fan of their race, Sumerset Isle's sounds cool. It's supposed to be the most beautufil place in Tamreil, kind of described as a magial tropical place.
Khajit>>>>Dunmer>>>>>>Imperials>>>>>Nords>>>>>Argonians>>>>>>Orsimer>>>>>>>the Ra'Gada(Redguards)>>>>>>>>Bretons>>>>>Bosmer>>>>>>>>>>>Altmer
no one likes orcsmetalmaggot46I do. :| Their armor is the best in the series (not statistically). But they are more like half-orcs than full orcs.
I like playing as a Wood Elf myself. Small and nimble and skilled in archery.
Though I also like High Elves and Bretons for their bonuses.
i've chosen the bosmer or wood elf because of their archery and sneaking abilities,you get to see a lot of unnusual behavior from npc's when they don't know you there and i have listened to more than a few conversations that made me laugh.
plus bosmer can calm wild beasts so they are pretty useful.
Why is this in System Wars???
Because it has no home system and people can get into heated arguments over a species decision.
For me, Argonian. I really don't know why I choose them, other than the breathing underwater thing, I am not a stealth or magic user, I prefer two-handed blades and an overwhelming defense over anything else. Maybe it's just the small boosts to sneaking skills to allow me to get by the tougher fights when I need to. I always found Argonians to be well-balanced for how I play.
Nord for me...until I took an arrow to the knee, then I had to give up adventuring...
Really none of the races have any statistical advantage other than right at the beginning. Any of the short comings of any race can be overcome by playing and leveling up your character. The racial powers are nice in the beginning as well but I found that once I have unlocked the shouts I rarely used them. It really all comes down to visual appeal.
Orcs are elves, and before anyone else says anything, so are Dwemer (AKA, Dwarves). Also Bretons are Half Elf too (they were Nords who mixed with the Falmer *Snow elves* before the whole Falmer become Goblins but not Goblins).
I like Dwemer the most, followed by Bretons. However, my current mage is an High Elf (THANK GOD High elves no long have thos horrible stats)
i've chosen the bosmer or wood elf because of their archery and sneaking abilities,you get to see a lot of unnusual behavior from npc's when they don't know you there and i have listened to more than a few conversations that made me laugh.
plus bosmer can calm wild beasts so they are pretty useful.
And why I picked High Elf was it's the best Mage race.
i've chosen the bosmer or wood elf because of their archery and sneaking abilities,you get to see a lot of unnusual behavior from npc's when they don't know you there and i have listened to more than a few conversations that made me laugh.
plus bosmer can calm wild beasts so they are pretty useful.
And why I picked High Elf was it's the best Mage race.
Debatable, Bretons are equally skilled, their 25% resistance to magic is well worth it.thread says playable race, dwemer are not playable.Orcs are elves, and before anyone else says anything, so are Dwemer (AKA, Dwarves). Also Bretons are Half Elf too (they were Nords who mixed with the Falmer *Snow elves* before the whole Falmer become Goblins but not Goblins).
I like Dwemer the most, followed by Bretons. However, my current mage is an High Elf (THANK GOD High elves no long have thos horrible stats)
[QUOTE="lordreaven"]thread says playable race, dwemer are not playable. I know :(, One can dream though, right?Orcs are elves, and before anyone else says anything, so are Dwemer (AKA, Dwarves). Also Bretons are Half Elf too (they were Nords who mixed with the Falmer *Snow elves* before the whole Falmer become Goblins but not Goblins).
I like Dwemer the most, followed by Bretons. However, my current mage is an High Elf (THANK GOD High elves no long have thos horrible stats)
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