Poll Favourite console generation (50 votes)
Decided only to include from the SNES onwards since I actually forgot about the NES and Master System.
What generation was your favourite and why?
Decided only to include from the SNES onwards since I actually forgot about the NES and Master System.
What generation was your favourite and why?
We are in it if you're a PLAYSTATION 5 owner. FOUR exclusive AAA and 1 AAAA in half a year. Record breaking, just like its incredible sales.
Going with Gen 6 personally, all 4 of the consoles were excellent and I wish I had them all as a kid.
Well since the SNES is my all time favourite system because of its absolutely fantastic library of games then I think that I’ll have to go with that gen.
It was close between PS1 and PS3 regardless that I see PS4 as the best system. Reason being is the games. So many new IPs during the PS1 gen due to the jump 3D.
I think PS3 won though as games during that gen were still blowing my mind. Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, RDR... the list goes on. Incredible gen.
I see PS4 as the best system because I was able to consolidate most of my favorite series onto the one system but in comparison to the previous gen, games from that gen stopped blowing my mind.
Even though I started playing video games when I was seven years ago in 1982 (I was born in 1975), a year before the video game crash of 1983, my favorite console generation was the third generation (NES and Master System). It was during that generation that I played some of the most popular games of that era and had the fondest memories. It was also the generation that I played games the most time compared to latter generations as an adult when I bought and games and systems with my own money.
Sorry that I cannot vote on this poll as the third generation as it is not available as an option. There are older gamers like myself who have fond memories of the pre-16-bit era.
Voted Gen 8 cuz that's probably around the best time to be a PC gamer. Gen 4 and 6 were also pretty special.
Gen 4 forgot it was over on account of how long MS-DOS was supported in terms of game library. Doom 2 and Quake still remains to be two of my favourite games to this day.
Gen 6 was probably an extremely awesome time for gaming regardless of what system you owned. Listing the best games from Gen 6 would be an exhausting effort since you'd have to account for all the systems that were released at the time.
Gen 7.
Halo 3, Modern Warfare 1-3, forza horizon series, GTAV, Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted series, Motorstorm, Demon's Souls, the last of us, Killzone 2-3, Resistance series, Bioshock, Wii Sports, Mario Galaxy, the list goes on.
Gen 6 easy.
All 3 consoles had plenty of exclusives that made them worth owning but also games actually got better from the start of the gen to the end and frankly 6th gen games wipe the floor with most 5th gen stuff. (If we're talking 3D)
Also everybody seems to have a hard on for the Dreamcast ... never played it myself.
Gen 7 - had a lot of cool new IPs, some bad trends got started here - cinematic stuff that's detrimental to gameplay, rising costs of development - studio closures.
Gen 8 - had a number of gems but now much of the AAA industry is just about milking you. Nobody is willing to take any risks. There's some good indie stuff, but I feel that people overstate how good they are. VR is the one good thing to come out of this gen.
Earlier gens.. I had a Sega Genesis and GBC and only a small number of games... but I know gen 4 was like the peak of 2d gaming and 5 was exciting because of the jump to 3d. There isn't too much I'm crazy about revisiting from then, especially Gen 5.
We are in it if you're a PLAYSTATION 5 owner. FOUR exclusive AAA and 1 AAAA in half a year. Record breaking, just like its incredible sales.
Only two of those are exclusive. Spiderman and FF VII are as exclusive as Battlefield or COD.
Everything that is on the Series X and pc is considered exclusive to the X, so the same applies to Sony now.
With my nostalgia googles on, easily the 16bit generation. I have amazing memories from my Megadrive, Snes and Amiga 500.
That said, and despite the 'cool hate' from modern internet users, we are factually living the best days in gaming right now. Between indies, AAAs, VR, etc, the diversity, quality and level of polish we get these days is insane! I always had to wait months for the next game i wanted to buy. These days games i want to play come out almost at a daily basis!
I grew up in the 90's and have alot of nostalgia for those games especially going to the arcades and even stronger nostalgia for music in that time. But I'm going to have to go with 6th gen not only my favorite console generation but also my favorite PC games of all time came out in that era.
Gaming has only gotten better with each gen.
Yes, I have fond memories of gen 4, gen 5, gen 6 etc, but looking back those games in general are nowhere near as good as what we have now. The hardware we have now is much better, allowing for gameplay recording, online play, HD visuals, and more.
So gen 8 has been the best so far, and I have no doubts gen 9 will be even better.
That said, and despite the 'cool hate' from modern internet users, we are factually living the best days in gaming right now. Between indies, AAAs, VR, etc, the diversity, quality and level of polish we get these days is insane! I always had to wait months for the next game i wanted to buy. These days games i want to play come out almost at a daily basis!
This is so true. Its easy to be critical of the present and look back at the past with rose tinted glasses. The truth is, most 16 bit games sucked. Gen 5 games had primitive 3D graphics. Gen 6 didnt have online for the most part. The online experience in gen 8 blows away what we had in gen 7.
Sorry guys but gaming has only gotten better each gen.
@DarthaPerkinjan: Many people can't pass through the nostalgia factor, but they don't realise that what they actually miss is the fact they were young and their particular lives were easier.
Back to gaming, patches are a perfect example of it. Everybody hates them. People think that patches exist to finish unfinished games, but they don't realise that every single game from any era could be improved if the option existed. Many 8/16bit games could have got more than their typical 30/45 minute singleplayer campaigns, or maybe games like Perfect Dark, Shadow of the Colossus, etc could have ended up running above 15fps. Damn, some games with game breaking glitches could actually have been fixed so people could play them!
Nostalgia is amazing, but blind nostalgia is just sad.
@DarthaPerkinjan: Most people can't pass through the nostalgia factor, but they don't realise that what they actually miss is the fact they were young and their particular lives were easier.
Back to gaming, patches are a perfect example of it. Everybody hates them. People think that patches exist to finish unfinished games, but they don't realise that every single game from any era could be improved if the option existed. Many 8/16bit games could have got more than the typical 1 hour long singleplayer campaigns, or maybe games like Perfect Dark, Shadow of the Colossus, etc could have ended up running above 15fps. Damn, some games with game breaking glitches could actually have been fixed so people could play them!
Nostalgia is amazing, but blind nostalgia is just sad.
Maybe if you're dumb, sure, but it's easy to contextualize the effects of nostalgia in one's mind otherwise.
As for games, I think what's true now is that everything is more accessible, and on average, games are functional. Beyond that though, like everything else in this hobby, it's subjective. For example, when comparing timeless classics, I'd personally much rather play a 2 hour 4th gen game, like Mega Man X as opposed to *insert the latest AAA game.* When it comes to entertainment, I'm just not a fan of painting everything with black and white dogma.
Generation 7 and current generation is good. Generation 9 is only get better in time,I got the XSX and eventually going to get the PS5. ER,BF6,Halo Infinite,FH5,etc…… These games are going to be amazing,plus plenty of Sony’s exclusives.
@Renegade_Fury: It's subjective. I would take Streets of Rage 2, Super Castlevania 4 and others over most old and modern games, but those are the exception, not the rule. I still love to play my old consoles, but when i say that those games are better than current ones i'm aware that's nostalgia speaking.
In general games today offer more content, higher level of polish, voice acting that is actually good, etc. Indie devs are also making a great job bringing back all those quick play old school genres.
On the top of it, now you can play them all, from the new to the old. You basically have all the options.
@PAL360: Sure, they're functional on average, as I mentioned, but how does that constitute as "better?" To me, that's why this is always going to be an opinion based answer rather than factual as it comes down to the old "quality vs. quantity" argument.
The reason I had mentioned Mega Man X in my post was because I didn't grow up playing it, and I honestly wouldn't even consider myself a Mega Man fan until about 10 years ago. When I finally did play through the series, however, I found them to be so much "better" than almost every modern title that I'd played, AAA or indie. Fast forward to now and I still prefer to play MMX or a game that adheres to 4th and 5th gen principles like a Sonic Mania. Furthermore, other types of games I like such as niche SEGA arcadey titles or classics Star Wars games, have no modern replacements for me. My brother, as another example, literally only plays AoM, which is now 20 years old, because he thinks all modern RTS suck in comparison.
So yeah, I agree the harvest is larger now, but that doesn't mean it'll necessarily taste ''better."
Gens 4 and 6.
Gen 5 was crazy exciting at the time, but very few games I'd still go back and play from that era compared to others.
@Renegade_Fury: By saying that modern gaming is better, by no means i mean that old games are not as good as i remember. Many of those games are still amazing and super polished, and like i said i still play them today. My point is that now you get that level of quality, or functional, as you prefer, literally every day. I check out new trailers regularly, and there are always a few games that i would want to play. The reason why i don't buy them is because i have a ridiculously big backlog that keeps growing with offers every month.
When i say games are better, i mean GAMING is better, and oc, with exceptions. There are more options.
Edit: Your brother should play They are Billions. It's awesome!
@PAL360: I understand what you're saying, because I agree that yesteryear had way more crap like Batman Forever. My perspective, however, is that I'm never going to buy nor play more than a handful of games per year and gen. So while the bottom tier is way higher and easier to access, that still doesn't mean I'm going to want to play any of them. Instead, I'm going to go with the select few I really like, as always, and those just happen to comprise of older games in general. We don't have to agree, but I wanted to share an opposing viewpoint.
I'll mention it to him, but he has almost zero patience for anything that doesn't meet his strict esoteric criteria, lol.
@Renegade_Fury: He probably already knows the game then 👍😎
'Instead, I'm going to go with the select few I really like.' I do the same, but it's good to know the options are there. Decided to buy Thimbleweed Park a while back, and it gave me the same joy i remember having while playing games like Monkey Island or Day of the Tentacle.
The industry is healthy unlike internet forums tend to suggest.
Sorry that I cannot vote on this poll as the third generation as it is not available as an option. There are older gamers like myself who have fond memories of the pre-16-bit era.
I mean, sure, but I got really, really tired of left-to-right platformers.
Gen 4 was the last time I was heavily invested in consoles, and it remains my favorite. Genesis = Arcade, shootemups, sports SNES = RPGs, platformers, mode 7 racers.
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