@Blabadon said:
@ConanTheStoner: That's a goodass list there. Like legit, full of classics. I can dig that.
Do me a favor though and indulge yourself on Square and Nintendo games, I wanna read that list as well.
Hey thanks man. Yeah, pretty much just big name classics... there are some more obscure games out there that I was really into, especially in the 8 and 16 bit days, but most of them a bit too flawed to make my top 10.
You should go ahead post up a top 10 as well.
As for Square and Nintendo, nothing out of the ordinary on those lists really. About as mainstream as it gets.
- Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars
- Dragon Quest 8
- FF4 (my 2nd RPG and my 1st Square game)
- FF5
- FF6
- FF7
- FF9
- FF10
- FF12
- Chrono Trigger
- Chrono Cross
- Secret of Mana... now this ones odd, I never really thought of it as an exceptional game, but for some reason it just resonates with me.
- SMB3
- Yoshis Island
- SMG2
- Mike Tysons Punch Out
- LoZ
- LttP
- OoT
- Majoras Mask
- Super Metroid
- Metroid Prime
- .....and I fucking loved Metroid Prime 3, don't tell anyone.
Of course I've enjoyed a **** ton of other Nintendo games, the Mario Karts, the Smash games, Kirbys and plenty of other more obscure Nintendo titles, but these were the "god" titles for me.
@sixringz1 said:
Mike Tyson's punch out is, and always will be my favorite game of all time. I can aknowledge it's not the best overall game ive ever played, but it's still my favorite
I never get sick of it man, great game. One of those titles I'll be playing every so often for the rest of my days.
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