Topic. Why do I ask?
In a danish magazine I picked up yesterday(GameReactor) in the news columm they have this little segment about quite a few third party developers saying that Home will feature a monthly fee.
Sony refuse apparently to comment on the rumours.
I never actually thought about it, but in a way I can sort of see it happening. I think we all assumed that they would do micro transactions and the hole purchase-virtual-clothes-and-furniture-for-real-money thing would be there, but a hard fee like on Live?
If it's true, then it's bad news for everybody. It is bad news for the people who hoped that wouldn't have to pay the social structure, and it's bad news for people who hoped Homes free service could push Microsoft into removing their fee aswell.
I'll admit. People here right from the start have been saying that it was not possible. Perhaps it ain't, but if we have to pay, then what they are offering right now is not enough. Walking around in virtual space and designing a fee and playing in game pool is alright, but I don't think it would justify 15 or 10 bucks a month.
...and remember, Phil Harrison did say that it was free for now, and that Sony may not have Home be free indefinitely.
So what say ye? Would you pay for HOME, if/when it comes to that?
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