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Hmm interesting thought what are those 600,000-700,000 X-Box 360 owners by the time FF XIII comes out in Japan supposed to do about getting the game buy a PS3?Flamestos
Those 600k gamers, probably already have a ps3. Me thinks that those are the hardcore gamers in Japan.
[QUOTE="Flamestos"]Hmm interesting thought what are those 600,000-700,000 X-Box 360 owners by the time FF XIII comes out in Japan supposed to do about getting the game buy a PS3?Krigon
Those 600k gamers, probably already have a ps3. Me thinks that those are the hardcore gamers in Japan.
I doubt all those gamers own both but who knows. In a way it seems like a cruel punishment for going against the majority in Japan and buying a 360... I'm sure Square will release it later after every other region has gotten it.
[QUOTE="Krigon"][QUOTE="Flamestos"]Hmm interesting thought what are those 600,000-700,000 X-Box 360 owners by the time FF XIII comes out in Japan supposed to do about getting the game buy a PS3?Flamestos
Those 600k gamers, probably already have a ps3. Me thinks that those are the hardcore gamers in Japan.
I doubt all those gamers own both but who knows. In a way it seems like a cruel punishment for going against the majority in Japan and buying a 360... I'm sure Square will release it later after every other region has gotten it.
A cruel punishment? They should have known it would be on PS3, as every Final Fantasy has been with Playstation since the change to disc format.
[QUOTE="Flamestos"][QUOTE="Krigon"][QUOTE="Flamestos"]Hmm interesting thought what are those 600,000-700,000 X-Box 360 owners by the time FF XIII comes out in Japan supposed to do about getting the game buy a PS3?ceruxx
Those 600k gamers, probably already have a ps3. Me thinks that those are the hardcore gamers in Japan.
I doubt all those gamers own both but who knows. In a way it seems like a cruel punishment for going against the majority in Japan and buying a 360... I'm sure Square will release it later after every other region has gotten it.
A cruel punishment? They should have known it would be on PS3, as every Final Fantasy has been with Playstation since the change to disc format.
That part was actually abit of a joke considering the game was a PS3 exclusive for years before Square changed it. It still sucks that the few who did go with the 360 won't get to play the game unless they buy a PS3 since 360's aren't region free.
[QUOTE="ceruxx"][QUOTE="Flamestos"][QUOTE="Krigon"][QUOTE="Flamestos"]Hmm interesting thought what are those 600,000-700,000 X-Box 360 owners by the time FF XIII comes out in Japan supposed to do about getting the game buy a PS3?Flamestos
Those 600k gamers, probably already have a ps3. Me thinks that those are the hardcore gamers in Japan.
I doubt all those gamers own both but who knows. In a way it seems like a cruel punishment for going against the majority in Japan and buying a 360... I'm sure Square will release it later after every other region has gotten it.
A cruel punishment? They should have known it would be on PS3, as every Final Fantasy has been with Playstation since the change to disc format.
That part was actually abit of a joke considering the game was a PS3 exclusive for years before Square changed it. It still sucks that the few who did go with the 360 won't get to play the game unless they buy a PS3 since 360's aren't region free.
I wonder why PS3 decided to be region free. Its a major selling point, for me at least.
It will sell better on the PS3. The reason is, is that the PS2 had WAY more RPGs than the XBOX. And when the next systems came out (PS3 & 360), the people who liked RPGs would go for Sony because they have always had more RPGs than competitors.zatoninjaThe way you stated that makes you sound like the PS3 isn't out yet, You sound like one of the Sony execs before the PS3 was released...Anyway no thats a minuscule reason. The biggest and main reason it will sell better on the PS3 is because its being released only on the PS3 in Japan. FFXIII will probably sell 2 million in its first 2 weeks(if not 1 week) in japan alone. There are several other reasons like hardcore FF fans will want to have versus and FFXIII on the same system. There are several others but just PS3 exclusive in Japan will shoot the PS3 version to the Lead in overall sales.
[QUOTE="Flamestos"][QUOTE="ceruxx"][QUOTE="Flamestos"][QUOTE="Krigon"]Those 600k gamers, probably already have a ps3. Me thinks that those are the hardcore gamers in Japan.
I doubt all those gamers own both but who knows. In a way it seems like a cruel punishment for going against the majority in Japan and buying a 360... I'm sure Square will release it later after every other region has gotten it.
A cruel punishment? They should have known it would be on PS3, as every Final Fantasy has been with Playstation since the change to disc format.
That part was actually abit of a joke considering the game was a PS3 exclusive for years before Square changed it. It still sucks that the few who did go with the 360 won't get to play the game unless they buy a PS3 since 360's aren't region free.
I wonder why PS3 decided to be region free. Its a major selling point, for me at least.
Sony realized with the increased amount of people importing and modding their previous Playstations that it would be a good feature to have especially for those games that never make it over here.
I think it will like GTAIV though where neither console gets a significant boost, and Wii continues to stomp them both.
I personally think it well sell more on ps3 because the majority of people who bought their ps3 had in mind that they would be able to play ff13.rsoxguy12umm PS3 and u'd be dumb to think otherwise, even if u didnt include places other than Europe and North America considering FFXIII is exclusive everywhere else. Also by the time that game is released PS3 will be about the same user base as the 360, THE NUMBERS ARE THE PROOF
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