@ReadingRainbow4 said:
I get the feeling good ideas are still at square, but corporate is probably making it very hard for them to shine through. The company has just changed so much.
Yeah, the days of being small group of ambitious people with big dreams are long gone. I'm sure focus groups and board meetings drive the development a bit too much these days.
Sure I'm a hater and yeah, they're dead to me for now, but there is always a chance they could pull through. Obviously I wasn't a fan of FFXIII, but some of the ideas did have some potential, just shoddy execution. Not liking much of what I'm seeing from FFXV either... could be wrong, but even if I'm right about that game, it's being built on a foundation that they laid down almost 9 years ago so it's tough to judge where their head is at now.
We all know that FFXVI is being developed somewhere within that labyrinth of a company, maybe they'll bounce back and blow us all away. I don't do MMOs, but I'm always hearing good stuff about Realm Reborn so maybe there is hope.
Random, but reviving the Chrono IP would definitely pique my interest as well. And shit, as well as the PS4 is doing, maybe we could see another console DQ?
Hopefully after FFXV drops we'll get a glance at some of their fresh projects. I may be a hater, but I'm still interested in seeing what they have in store. I loved this company for too long to just let it go.
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