FF7 is overrated but its not the most over hyped and overrated Halo 3 come on now Mountain Dew Halo 3 also Halo 1 and GTA 3 was way more overrated than FF7 IMO.
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FF7 is overrated but its not the most over hyped and overrated Halo 3 come on now Mountain Dew Halo 3 also Halo 1 and GTA 3 was way more overrated than FF7 IMO.
I agree with the TC. FFVII is the most overrated game, ever. In the entire history of gaming.
Don't say it's because I didn't play the game when it first came out, because I did. I did not like it. The problem is that Sony hyped the hell out of the game, and thus a bunch of people who had never even looked at an RPG before bought it and they had no clue what an actual GOOD RPG was. Then it became their default favorite and even now over a decade later people still fawn all over it like it's the best RPG since Gary Gygax was stillwriting guides for tabletop military games.
Even when the game came out, it was UGLY. Look at the in game character models, and the enemy models. I sat there with controller in hand thinking "They traded clean looking, colorful sprites for this visual dog****?" And yet everyone was spooging all over the game because "ZOMG! IT'S 3D!" More like sort of 3D, considering that the backgrounds were flat, pre-rendered images. I thought the SGI demo animationthat Square released of Terra, Locke, and Shadow back when "FFVII"was supposed to be for the N64 looked a hell of a lot better.
The random battles didn't bother me, considering that they'd been a staple of RPGs for decades by then. What did bother me was the looooooooong unskippable summoning movies. Yeah, they look wonderful the first few times, but after the 520,596,872nd time it's like "Ho hum, think I'll go make a sandwich." Summoning movies probably account for a good 30% or so of the game's average length.
I also didn't care for the Sci-fi feel of the game. It's barely fantasy, and don't give me that "Sci-fi is a type of fantasy." crap. I have nothing against Sci-fi, but I think that a game with the name Fantasy in the title should at least have something to do with fantasy other than the odd sword stuck in there.
So from what I got out of your post FF7 is overrated because
- You say people like it because it was their first RPG. My question is, if this game truly isn't anything special and isn't even a good RPG, then why do those same people continue to play it to this very day? I judge how great a game is by it's staying power. Games like Super Mario 1 Super Mario 3, Super Mario World etc never get boring. After not playing them for a while you always want to go back. It's the same with FF7.
- You think the 3-D graphics suck. You think the 2-D sprites are better looking. *Sigh*
- You're borderline rediculous now, summoning sequences take 30% of the game's length? Unreal
- You don't like the sci-fi part, OK but it tells me alot about you
You're just another 16 bit gamer suffering from SEVERE nostalgia. You want 2-D sprites. You want medieval worlds.
You represent 90% of the people who think FFVI is better than FFVII
Sorry, but how do you explain Final Fantasy VII being in the top 10 of almostevery single top 10 games of all time lists?
I'm guessing they're a bunch of people who never played an RPG before FF7 huh. And I'm sure the terrible graphics and long summons just ruined the game
"...[Wii] is a lollipop, and I'm too old for lollipops. The other one [Xbox 360] I get sick from once in a while because the cook isn't always reliable." - Jack Tretton
That's funny, I would have picked this:
Or this one:
And I'm sure i'm gonna get flamed for throwing Chrono Cross up there, but this game was SO dissapointing. I mean seriously, only 2 dimensions? Little to no refrences to Chrono Trigger (aside from the Promethius-computer thing)? How about the fact there were like 50 playable characters and only 3 TRIPLE TECHS. This game made me so angry, that it's only saving grace was it's combat system. Still a RIDICULOUSLY overrated game. Go play Chrono Trigger if you think to the contrary
Maybe you guys saying it's overrated didn't play it when it first came out, maybe you were to young. FFVII cahnged the game of RPGs. Back than if you had an RPG is was over-head camera 2-d pixels. player_leo
What did it change? FMV's and 3D graphics are just evolutions, brought by modern tech(For the time) What's so different about FFVII?
Note: I did play it and loved it back when it came out but it's still quite overated by the community.
So from what I got out of your post FF7 is overrated because
- You say people like it because it was their first RPG. My question is, if this game truly isn't anything special and isn't even a good RPG, then why do those same people continue to play it to this very day? I judge how great a game is by it's staying power. Games like Super Mario 1 Super Mario 3, Super Mario World etc never get boring. After not playing them for a while you always want to go back. It's the same with FF7.
- Your acting like she said it was a bad game, it's not. There are many people who go back and play old games they think are good, so your point is moot.
- You think the 3-D graphics suck. You think the 2-D sprites are better looking. *Sigh*
- Again, she never said that. She said FF7's 3D graphics suck, and it does, there is no way round explaining how craptastic it looks compared to the refined sprites of FF6. The PSone was ripe with these kinds of terrible looking games, and only later in it's life did the beautiful looking games come out (FF9, Vagrant Story)
- You're borderline rediculous now, summoning sequences take 30% of the game's length? Unreal
- Its an exaggeration, don't take everything seriously or you will look like a fool.
- You don't like the sci-fi part, OK but it tells me alot about you
- Again, your putting words in her mouth. She specifically says it's good, she just expects FF to be more fantasy and less sci-fi.
You're just another 16 bit gamer suffering from SEVERE nostalgia. You want 2-D sprites. You want medieval worlds.
You represent 90% of the people who think FFVI is better than FFVII
- To both of the above statements: stop making assumptions
Sorry, but how do you explain Final Fantasy VII being in the top 10 of almostevery single top 10 games of all time lists?
- Because it's a good game. Doesn't mean that it isn't overrated. Look up these terms please.
I'm guessing they're a bunch of people who never played an RPG before FF7 huh. And I'm sure the terrible graphics and long summons just ruined the game
- Once again, stop making assumptions. Just because people think FF7 is overrated or that it sucks doesn't mean that they have never played RPGs.
Replies in Bold.
@ The Ish
Are you kidding me dog?!!? FFI-VI is trash compared to FFVII and later Final Fantasy games. Face it. It's just like how the new King Kong is way better than the trashy 1930s version but Nostalgia people will always say the 1930s version was better for whatever strange reason
Times change, some move on and some get stuck in the past and refuse to let go
Let go
@ The Ish
Are you kidding me dog?!!? FFI-VI is trash compared to FFVII and later Final Fantasy games. Face it. It's just like how the new King Kong is way better than the trashy 1930s version but Nostalgia people will always say the 1930s version was better for whatever strange reason
Times change, some move on and some get stuck in the past and refuse to let go
Let go
I like your attempt at trying to save face by telling me to let go, it's cute. :lol:
No, I am not "kidding", G. If you can't handle criticism of one of your favorite games, I suggest you leave the internets. Not everyone likes the new stuff over the old. If you think FF7 is better than FF6, fine, but don't expect others to agree with you like it's a fact. ;)
So from what I got out of your post FF7 is overrated because- You say people like it because it was their first RPG. My question is, if this game truly isn't anything special and isn't even a good RPG, then why do those same people continue to play it to this very day? I judge how great a game is by it's staying power. Games like Super Mario 1 Super Mario 3, Super Mario World etc never get boring. After not playing them for a while you always want to go back. It's the same with FF7. DarthaPerkinjan
I'll use the same answer you did: nostalgia. Maybe for you itnever gets boring. Personally, I played through the game once and couldn't wait for it to end and haven't picked it up since. For me it was nothing special, and all the hoopla around it makes me want to play it again less and less.
- You think the 3-D graphics suck. You think the 2-D sprites are better looking. *Sigh* DarthaPerkinjan
I thought that the2D sprites in FFVI were better looking than the 3D models in FFVII yes.
- You're borderline rediculous now, summoning sequences take 30% of the game's length? UnrealDarthaPerkinjan
It was an exaggeration, but the point stands. They're extremely long, and it was a very poor design decision not to be able to skip them (which they repeated for the next game as well).
- You don't like the sci-fi part, OK but it tells me alot about youYou're just another 16 bit gamer suffering from SEVERE nostalgia. You want 2-D sprites. You want medieval worlds.DarthaPerkinjan
I have nothing against Sci-fi or 3D graphics. Look at my game list, and you'll find games like Halo and System Shock. Take KotOR for example. Sci-fi and3D RPG. Absolutely loved the game, and I'm not even a Star Wars nerd. However, Ithink it's reasonable to expect that a game with the name Final Fantasy in it where the previous games all focused on fantasy elements would at least have something to do with fantasy beyond magic and a few swords, yes.
You represent 90% of the people who think FFVI is better than FFVIIDarthaPerkinjan
I liked FFVI better than FFVII but it's not my favorite in the series.
Sorry, but how do you explain Final Fantasy VII being in the top 10 of almost every single top 10 games of all time lists? DarthaPerkinjan
They're suffering from severe nostalgia based on the fact that it was the first RPG/FF game they played would be my guess.
I'm guessing they're a bunch of people who never played an RPG before FF7 huh. And I'm sure the terrible graphics and long summons just ruined the gameDarthaPerkinjan
Based on the responses I've seen here and in other threads where the people have said so, I'd be willing to bet you most of them are.
There are other points I could bring up about the game that have already been mentioned. The fetch quests, the endless "Have you seen the guy in black?" "No he's moved on to the next town."dragging out of the plot, the 'everyone can do eveything with the right materia' character development, the 'cast of thousands with little most getting very little in the way of personality development' character list... I could go on.
I agree it is way over-rated. It was a great game for it's time though. I tried playing it a few months ago but could not because you have to use the control pad to move around and the x button and o button functions are backwards and it looks terrible now a days.briguyb13You cant compare a decade old game to todays game... it doesn't make any sense... not to mention it was one of the first 3D rpg games...
overly long boring story and too many random battles, but as i say its just my opiniondoobie1975that is because jrpgs are not your genre.
not to mention it was one of the first 3D rpg games...
Huh? FF7 came out in 1997, Ultima Underworld (which probably wasn't the first 3D RPG, either) came out in 1992. So your guess was at least five years off.
[QUOTE="TriangleHard"][QUOTE="doobie1975"]overly long boring story and too many random battles, but as i say its just my opinionsnyper1982
Okay that's your opinion
My opinion is that it was rated correctly, maybe slightly underrated, and lets leave it at that.
Thank you captain obvious. I don't think we could have infered it was his opinion by the fact that he wrote it. Or better yet, he states clearly that it is his opinion. Jeeezzz.
If that's the only thing you've picked up from my post, then you haven't read between the lines.
I was pointing out how pointless this thread is by stating Final Fantasy VII was overrated as title of this thread, but without actually backing up his statement and just leaves it as his opinion.
[QUOTE="rowzzr"]you want to know what's the most overrated game in all of gaming history? kingdom hearts 2. do i have to discuss that? read my review.TheCrazed420
I completely agree. It really confuses me when people praise this game. It's one of the only RPG's in 20 years of gaming that I simply could not finish. And I've played some bad ones iin that time.
I third that! (Or more.. haven't read the whole thread). Picked it up for half price a few months back, played it a bit, but I just can't finish it. The story, the characters and the battle system just bore me.
But on topic, I think FF7 is probably overated by alot of people, mainly those idiots who are so blind and ignorant that they think that because it is their favourite game that it is then the best game in the world.
FF7 is my favourite game, but I understand people will hate it, and to be honest I don't care if they do. Whether other people like or dislike a game doesn't affect my enjoyment one bit.
[QUOTE="James_Lipton"]I don't think so. FFVII, Street Fighter 2, GTAIII and Super Mario Bros.3 are the only games that actually exceeded expectations.
FF7 didn't exceed expectations because there WERE no expectations for the game. Before FF7 came out, FF titles were still playe donly by RPG fans and fans of the series from the NES and SNES. Somehow the combination of the PS1 and casual gamers (and complete lack of any decent RPG on the console at the time) created a massive boom for FF7 among casual gamers and people who had never played an RPG before.
The game was great at the time, and good overall, but certainly not worth the legendary praise people have given it. The graphics were mostly bad, even for the time, because the game started development for the N64 (hence the blocky Nintendo-esque characters). Then they used the power of CD to make cutscenes...some good, some matching the graphics of the game.
If the PS1 didn't end up the casual, money-making machine we now know, FF7 would have been forgotten long ago. Instead it is kept alive as a legendary RPG MOSTLY because it was the first accessible and mainstrea RPG many casual gamers played. And we always remember out first, so to speak.
I've played countless RPGs and every FF title so far (except 11) and I can think of 5 I would rather go back and play before part 7. As somebody said, part 7 had numerous problems and an extremely boring story which amounted to little more than a 70 hour game of tag...or a fetch quest as somebody perfectly put it.
Are you serious?!!!!!!!!
Look at these pics then tell me which is better graphically?
First Suikoden appearance.
This is how it looks when you play in worldmap,it looks like NES, It was one of the best games I've ever played so don't tell me no competetion.
Suikoden 2.
Just like the first one, this ishow it looks when you play in the field.
Wild Arms.This is whatit look in battles and in field play.
This game was in latest period of PS1.
It barely even with FF7 graphics.There was alot of games but I will not make it long.
Now with FF7.
World map roaming.
This is only graphic comparison, but what really exceeded expectations was.
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