Id love to see it too. But i doubt Any American Football player could get past McDonalds.
No wonder they need time outs.
Thank you for proving my point with those pics. You really think those munchkins in red could compete physically with guys who are 6 foot 5 inches and 300 pounds who can still run a 4.5 40? By the way, time outs are part of strategy...which is non-existent in rugby.I dont give a foook how tall, fat and ugly they are. If Americans really think Size is this important in your sport i feel sorry for you.
Listen, I love association football, but I really like american football too.. The reason a lot of americans make fun of football and call it stupid is mostly because A) We suck at it B) Our league is meh compared to others C) Most don't fully understand the sport because they haven't been properly exposed to it. So honestly I wouldn't bother getting into an argument with them because they really don't know what they are talking about.
Generally whenever an american says, meh whatever football sucks the first responce is just "loollll well you like your stupid sissy rugby" which I am sorry is just as misguided as the other guy calling it flopball.
Yes they do wear helmets, but they have to because if they didn't there would litterally be critical injuries every single game. In a physcal sport, that involves forcing your body down on another person I can't think of anything that is more important than height/weight. They aren't just fat either, there is a difference between weighing alot and just being out of shape, sort of like sumo wrestlers, they are fat but they train their bodies constantly. And the sport is complex, different positions call for different body types, like generally the "fat ones" are what is called an offensive line, and their job is to basically be a wall to stop the defenders from getting to and tackling the quaterback. Their weight gives them stopping power against the other positions like line backer which are generally more like the body type of a common rugby player

Clay Matthews for example, 6'3'' 255lbps, and as fast as a cheeta. There are crazy athletes in the NFL, as their are in rugby as well, but the sports call for different body types and athletic abilities because they opperate so differently. Rugby goes non stop, and generally the players stocky and agile, and the point of the sport is to get the player to give up and throw away the ball, not simply tackle the guy who has it which is why they don't really need helmets..
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