Ok, well E3 is over. I watched clips of all three press conferences, read up on new titles and interviews, and watched spike tv last night about E3 closing and such. I did a lot of research before typing this up to be fair to all 3 companies.
Here's how I think they did. Not you, but what I think, lol:
Nintendo: Though Wii music was actually reall cool, the whole presentation wasn't too great. Even the speakers made it awkward. To me, I was not catered hardcore games that I'd expect from Nintendo. Even Reggie wasn't in his domination mode. When Geoff Keighley put pressure on him last night about the lack of games, Reggie couldn't really say anything, other than saying that Animal Crossing and Wii Sports 2 Resort were Nintendo's hardcore games. I was on the same boat with Geoff. Other than the somewhat dissapointment of the Wii's line up, the DS on the otherhand got some great games. All in all, it was lackluster at best.
Sony: Sony's was very well planned. The demos of some of their upcoming games were very impressive to say the least. The whole set up with all the Sony HD tv's was a great effect. Their trailers were very enjoyable and presentable. I wished they made more emphasis on new games no one knew about for 2008, but still it was very enjoyable. Jack Tretton had a great performance, and was one of the only presentors that didn't give off that really conceided feel. He was great and handled everything professionally. Though God of War 3, Home, and GT5 won't be here for a good time, I still felt pretty satisfied. I wished for more rpg news and platfor news, and because no news of that I'll deduct points from their grade. Anyhow, the psp is going strong, as well as the downloadable content. Little Big Planet is going to be the most innovative game and I can't wait. All in all, their performance was great. Though no surprises other than the video store and God of War 3, it was very good.
Microsoft: Now down to Microsoft. Though during their conference they changed between speakers many times, they gave quite a show. Of course, who can forget Final Fantasy 13. The whole announcement with the SE president was very suspensful, since at first no one knew it was FF13. All in all, that moment goes down with other E3 megatons, such as the original SSBB announcement. (Another cool moment was when Glados talked on stage, haha). Even without Final Fantasy 13, MS delivered. More hardcore games that appeal to me coming out this year was awesome! One thing in particular that was really great was all the game developers showing of their games. That to me showed great 3rd and 1st party suppor for the system. The only thing about the conference was some of the avater videos and the "your in the movies" presentation. All in all, I can't wait to update my xbox 360 this fall to become a new experience, and with a great 2008 line up, as well as getting Star Ocean 4 and Final fantasy 13 later in 2009, makes the 360 my rpg console.
Nintendo: D+
Microsoft: A
As you see, Sony and Microsoft were close. I gave MS a half point higher due to Net Flix, as well as having a show that made me get goosebumps. All in all, it was Microsoft and Sony who won.
With this said, whats your grade and why. NO bias or fanboys. Enjoy, and heres to E3 2008:)
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