The fact that you actually have to swtich between healing, buffing, debuffing, defending, etc, the fact that you have to pay more attention to balancing offense and defense, the fact that you have to think regarding how you setup your paradigms is what made it an improvement for me. I felt more "involved" in battles because I actually had to think about them. When I played FFXIII I was constantly changing the way I approached enemies, even with the simple set of "classes" available. It was refreshing to go into a battle, get a game over screen, and actually have to rethink about how I approached battles. Imo, the battles are the most prominent gameplay feature in FF so I want to see Square try to make them more involved.
As for there only being one directly controllable character, I think it was balanced by the fact that the system made timing all the more important (timing my moves in sync with my party, the break meter, and launching becaem a priority).
As for customization, you're right. The crystarium system was pretty linear. Moreover it discouraged having characters learn from other paradigms with huge exp requirements, But at the same time, I do think there was a fair amount of customization to the accessory and weaponry system. I spent the entire game upgrading my weapons, and the combination of very specialized accessories and the ability to transform them gave me the ability to customize my characters differently. Moreover, where I put the various refining items I received throughout my quest added to that. "Defense" literally became an element of customization, removed from the leveling aspect, and highly specialized. Physical or magic, what kind of magic, how much percent, etc.
Ocarina of Time is an RPG? You know, I've never seen Final Fantasy as some "open adventure." It's always been forced. I guess if you go into Final Fantasy hoping for the feeling that the world is there for you to explore and you can go from there, then I can understand why you would be disappointed with FFXIII. But I've never had that impression of Final Fantasy, nor have I ever expected it from Final Fantasy. My experience with Final Fantasy has always been more like being "taken for a ride." I think the ride (story) in FFXIII is very problematic though.
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