I didnt read your post because most of your posts in the past were retarded.
However, Its funny that you are mocking the guy in your sig. Trauma Center is about twice as hard as gears or halo on any difficulty.
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I didnt read your post because most of your posts in the past were retarded.
However, Its funny that you are mocking the guy in your sig. Trauma Center is about twice as hard as gears or halo on any difficulty.
Call me back when they fix the following bugs: CGI cinematics, menu-driven battle system, no dialog choiceslowe0
uh everyone RPG i seen has cinematics ever heard of World of warcraft or diablo? diablo 2 had about 5 cgi cinematics an wow got 2 an every wrpg atlest has 1 openin cgi an ending cgi why is more of that a bad thign?
every rpg has menu's screens to save or inventories for spells/items ever hit the escape bar on oblviion an took a look at the menu or any other rpg in existance?
dialogue choices are boring as crap who wants to sit through 10 hours of dialogue an having to keep askin diff questions to learn everythin ag uy has to say? i prefer to talk to a guy once an find out everythin i need to know I hate clicking spam fests of questions just to learn all i have to about the game its a waste of time an completely boring
i was playin baldurs gate 2 an instead of gettin info I HAD to spam 5 diff questions till i finally get what i wanted what a epic waste of time that isnt video gaming as far im concrnered an its not roleplayin either u can ask them all an none of it makes a difference just a waste of time
[QUOTE="lowe0"]Call me back when they fix the following bugs: CGI cinematics, menu-driven battle system, no dialog choicesProtossRushX
uh everyone RPG i seen has cinematics ever heard of World of warcraft or diablo? diablo 2 had about 5 cgi cinematics an wow got 2 an every wrpg atlest has 1 openin cgi an ending cgi why is more of that a bad thign?
every rpg has menu's screens to save or inventories for spells/items ever hit the escape bar on oblviion an took a look at the menu or any other rpg in existance?
dialogue choices are boring as crap who wants to sit through 10 hours of dialogue an having to keep askin diff questions to learn everythin ag uy has to say? i prefer to talk to a guy once an find out everythin i need to know I hate clicking spam fests of questions just to learn all i have to about the game its a waste of time an completely boring
i was playin baldurs gate 2 an instead of gettin info I HAD to spam 5 diff questions till i finally get what i wanted what a epic waste of time that isnt video gaming as far im concrnered an its not roleplayin either u can ask them all an none of it makes a difference just a waste of time
Yes, those games HAVE cinematics. Final Fantasy games ARE cinematics, with an occasional menu or map sequence thrown in.Yes, games like Oblivion and Mass Effect have menus; however, in the end, you get in there and do battle as your character. You don't stand in a ridiculous line, waiting for a timer to expire - you swing your sword, take cover, aim a spell, whatever. You're not stuck WATCHING canned animations - you're PLAYING. Even Fallout's turn-based combat system offered more depth than any FF game I've ever played - being able to choose where to standor movewould be a really great start.
As for dialog choices - how do you define your character other than through interaction? If you're not deciding who your character is and what he says and does, then you're not playing an RPG - you're just watching an RPG that someone else rendered out as CGI.
Notice a theme here? You WATCH Final Fantasy. You PLAY Oblivion and Mass Effect. That's the difference.
This post wins.Final Fantasy X - 7 million sold
Final Fantasy XII - 4 million sold
A Maximum of 11 million ps2's were bought for Final Fantasy.
Halo CE - 6 million sold
Halo 2 - 8 million sold
A Maximum of 14 million Xbox's were bought for Halo.
*goes back and re-reads TC's post*
*shakes head*
thread? Failed :(
[QUOTE="ss_49"]This post wins.Final Fantasy X - 7 million sold
Final Fantasy XII - 4 million sold
A Maximum of 11 million ps2's were bought for Final Fantasy.
Halo CE - 6 million sold
Halo 2 - 8 million sold
A Maximum of 14 million Xbox's were bought for Halo.
*goes back and re-reads TC's post*
*shakes head*
thread? Failed :(
Because of the inaccurate FF sales :lol:
I suggest people avoid ProtossrushX threads. There are 2 possibilities
One-He is like SDF, mocking cows by making them look like idiots
Two-He does not kow what a period and the word "you" are.
Either way, it isn't worth argueing.
This. Whenever I ask someone why they believe Cows are idiots they usually just say people like ProtossrushX.
[QUOTE="Erkidu"][QUOTE="ss_49"]This post wins.Final Fantasy X - 7 million sold
Final Fantasy XII - 4 million sold
A Maximum of 11 million ps2's were bought for Final Fantasy.
Halo CE - 6 million sold
Halo 2 - 8 million sold
A Maximum of 14 million Xbox's were bought for Halo.
*goes back and re-reads TC's post*
*shakes head*
thread? Failed :(
Because of the inaccurate FF sales :lol:
Even if they're inaccurate, what's your point? :| Does his original point change at all? No. Good one.It will be in Japan that's for sure,not in America and deff not in Europe thats for sure,i mean i'm not saying it won't sell gr8 outside of Japan,but Jrpg's sell many X more than outside of Japan,as they should...blacktornActually FF sells more in NA than in Japan. FF is a worldwide system seller. Europe, NA and Japan.
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