Sony PR is quoted making the following statement:
"The development cost of the plays exploded, it becomes difficult to have exclusivenesses, except our own plays. But we will have as of launching 30 plays, of which Motorstorm, Resistance or Virtua Fighter. Moreover, we await 200 plays from here the end of 2007. Lastly, for Final Fantasy XIII, I can say to you that exclusiveness is under discussion."
Vice president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and president of SCE France, Georges Fornay is convinced that the PS3 has beautiful days in front of she. Particularly on the French ground.
DNA: How announces itself the launch of the PS3?
G.F. : For France, the meters are at the green. We recorded not far of 60 000 reservations against 40 000 Xbox 360 and 75 000 sold Wii at the time of the respective launch of these consoles. Those that said that the console is too dear some are for their expenses: in France, the PS3, this already is a success. And we count to avoid the scarcity phenomena: we will put on the European a million market PS3, of which more than 150 000 in France.
- One says that this console is sold at a loss by Sony. This is a reality?
- Yes. The amount official do not lie: we will lose 2 billion Euros at the world-wide level this year. But one accepts that, because this is a wager on the future, we count to earn money on the games and the incidental ones. We had lost 500 million Euros, already, at the time of the launch of the PS2.
- Sony removed on the European version of the PS3 the chipset allowing the rétrocompatibilité with the games PS2 and the replaced by an emulation software that will not read all the older games. A reaction?
- Attention, it will be not a matter not any a total and final incompatibility. We will post on-line a site where the compatible games will be listed. Now, if you wonder me if this is a bad blow for the launch, I would say that one more better would have done to be sure than the console would be totally rétrocompatible before to announce it. But good, when the PS3 will have showed its capacities, the players will not have anymore too envies to play PS2..
- Remains that you arrive on the market after the competition, and that it will be necessary to convince, quickly. You can count on strong games, exclusivity rights? And quid of Final Fantasy XIII?
- The development cost of the games exploded, it becomes difficult to have exclusivity rights, except our clean games. But we will have as early as the launch 30 games, of which Motorstorm, Resistance or Virtua Fighter. What's more, we await 200 games of here at the end of 2007. At last, for Final Fantasy XIII, I can say you that the exclusivity rights is in discussion.
- HAS it arrived, this is a good year that announces itself for SCE?
- This that is sure, for us, this is that 2007 will be a year record while combining the sales PSP, PS2 and PS3. And that should continue to progress. The last year, the market of the video game climbed of 15% while the music and the video lowered. According to our estimations, the market vidéoludique should double between 2005 and 2010. That wants to say that there is place for three... even if it is worth always better to go shopping in head.
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